Folks of Erlanger, Kentucky

Erlanger,Kentucky Folks

This is the man for whom Erlanger is named, Baron E. d'Erlanger. 
You can read why in the Henry Childress' History of Erlanger, here.


Erlanger,Kentucky Folks Erlanger,Kentucky Folks
Edgar Arnett James Tichenor

These are the two men for whom Arnett Elementary and Tichenor Middle School are named. Curiously, the Tichenor Schools' web sites doesn't mention that fact. 


Dixie Highway, Erlanger

Famed jockey Eddie Arcaro bought it from famed boxer Kentucky Joe Anderson. From a Facebook post by Ruth Ann Weiss


Arcaro's Arcaro's
Arcaro's Menu
From a Facebook post by Charlie Lunsford


Erlanger,Kentucky Folks Erlanger,Kentucky Folks Erlanger,Kentucky Folks Erlanger,Kentucky Folks
Kentucky Joe Anderson's Cafe, Erlanger. More about his boxing career is at this site. The group photo comes with a story.


Erlanger,Kentucky Folks Erlanger,Kentucky Folks Erlanger,Kentucky Folks
1937 Dixie Club Softball Champs Erlanger Base Ball Team
Key to who's in the pic, here.

W. J. Sheben, The
Community Bank, Erlanger



Jack Sheben
Erlanger Historian


Women's Club

Erlanger Women's Club


Erlanger, KY

Erlanger Lodge, 1921


Erlanger,Kentucky Folks Erlanger,Kentucky Folks
Erlanger Mail Men, when the Post Office was at Graves and Dixie Erlanger Police Department.
Doug Whittamore tells us that's his grandfather, Harold Whittamore, 2nd from the right standing behind the man sitting.
If you can identify any of these guys, please drop us an email.


Erlanger,Kentucky Folks

The Hanes Excelsior Hand Grenade
Read about an early hand grenade inventor, Erlanger's W. W. Hanes, here.


Erlanger,Kentucky Folks
This is Erlanger's Jimmy Viox.
Viox's bio is at this site; his major
league record is at this site.

Lloyd Girls' Basketball
Team, 1928-29

kenton line
We're indebted to the Erlanger Historical Society for many of the pictures you see here.  Thanks, folks.

kenton line