Maysville Banks

Maysville Banks Maysville Banks Maysville Banks Maysville Banks
Bank of Maysville, c. 1910 Interior, circa 1928 1910 1924
Read an article from 1910 about the Bank of Maysville, here, and here. The bank was established on March 18, 1871. It existed earlier as a branch of the Bank of Kentucky, and as such, took its first deposit on June 26, 1835.


Mitchell, Finch & Co.,

Ballenger, Mitchell, Finch & Co.'s Bank
c. 1900. Later, Vance's.



Mitchell, Finch, & Company's Bank, 1909
From a Facebook post by Chris Mitchell


Maysville Banks Maysville Banks Maysville Banks
New First National
of Maysville
First National Bank
of Maysville, 1912
First National Bank Maysville, 1910,
The article that ran with it is here.


First National

First National had a branch in Moorefield, in Nicholas County, 1969. While branching across state lines was not permitted under state law at the time, the rare exception was made to let sound banks take over unsound ones. Car is a 1962 Plymouth.


State National Bank Maysville Banks Maysville Banks
State National Bank, Maysville. More here.

We recommend the State National Bank's employee descriptions from 1930, here.

Mason Line

“Maysville, Kentucky, is among the most lively towns of the west, and its business is greatly increasing, because of improved roads, &c. Its importations, at an ascertained value for the last year, were worth $1,021,000, and its exports $504,000. It is a place of deposits; the weight of the merchandise received and sent into the interior was 6,772 tons. The people of the town much need banking facilities, and, we hope, will obtain them, though generally opposed as we are sure to an increase of money-corporations.” From the Niles Register, January 31, 1835

Mason Line

Banks of Maysville, Kentucky Banks of Maysville, Kentucky
Security Bank and Trust Farmers’ and Traders Bank.
More about the bank is here.

Statistics on the Mason County Banks, from c. 1910, are here.

Bank of Maysville and the Union Trust and Savings merged in 1916


Banks of Maysville, Kentucky Banks of Maysville, Kentucky Banks of Maysville, Kentucky Banks of Maysville, Kentucky
Bank of Maysville,
1954 1971 New Drive-in, on  12 W. Third Street.
What stood there earlier? This one.
Forest and Pelham


Banks of Maysville, Kentucky

These two palominos were the Bank of Maysville’s entry in the
Jan. 28, 1853 parade honoring Rosemary Clooney.


Banks of Maysville, Kentucky

A. F. Poe, Bank of Maysville


Directors of the Bank of Maysville. Key to names.
From a Facebook post by Lisa Collins

Banks of Maysville, Kentucky Banks of Maysville, Kentucky Banks of Maysville, Kentucky
Farmers & Traders Bank Counter Check Bank of Maysville Counter Check State National Bank Counter Check

What's a counter check?

State National Bank acquired the State Trust Co of Maysville on September 30, 1955.

Mason Line

“The new and handsome banking house of Pearce and Wallingford, in Maysville,
is rapidly approaching completion.” Courier-Journal, April 7, 1873

Mason Line