Sapp's Motel | St. Charles Hotel On Front Street, west of Market |
Sears, and A&P |
Short & Kain Blacksmiths and Rubber Tiring At the corner of Limestone & Second Makers of Hillside Plows, Smokestacks, Iron Balconies, & Fire Escapes |
Sphar Bricks Works | |
Sphar Pressed Brick Works | ||
More on Maysville's brick making businesses is at Old Washington's web site. |
Slattery and Higgins, Undertakers
on Lower Market
The Standard Oil Company. Read more about The Standard Oil Company here. |
“At Maysville, Wednesday night, Sweigert’s distillery was destroyed by fire. Loss, $800. No Insurance.” The Daily Commonwealth, May 9, 1879
O. H. P. Thomas & Co., | O. H. P. Thomas | Isaac Thomas made pottery in Maysville. This one's 1837 | |
Read more about O. H. P. Thomas here. |
Elmer Tincher | Tunes Ready to Wear 22 W. 2nd Street |
Trayser Piano-forte Company incorporates, 1873
Traxel's Bread Wagon, Maysville Eat Traxel's Bread, Ice Cream Manufacturers, Phone No. 11 An item on Traxel's from 1935 is here. |
Mr. Joe Trisler and Hayes Storer, in front of Trisler's Store at 617 E. Second Street from a Facebook post by John Henderson |
Charles W. Traxel & Co., Fine Jewelry
Gallipolis (Ohio) Journal, June 17, 1852
Union Oil key to names |
Union Bus Station, 3rd & Limestone From a Facebook post by Ron Bailey |
T. R. Valentine, Staple and Fancy Groceries
Walds and Center Street from a Facebook post by Jim Rannes |
Wald Manufacturing Plant, 1953 |
A Wald Invoice, front and back | Walds |
The Wald Bicycle Parade. Note a rare “triple” in the 1958 photo on the right. |
White Light
Bob Hendrickson writes about the White Light
Wallace's Restaurant Market and Front |
Weis Packing right, 1937 From a Facebook post by Lisa Collins |
J. J. Wood & Sons Drugstore | |
Read more about J. J. Wood & Sons here. |
James Wormald's Hat Shop on the left, Eagle Shoe Store in the center, and Joseph P. Dessar's Men's Clothing Store in the right. Scene is on the north side of Second, at the west corner of Market. c. 1880's. |
John Zech's Saddles and Leather Goods, 1878
“All goods sold to conform with the hard times”
Caron's 1913-1914 City Directory lists all of Maysville's businesses, sorted by business type (pdf). | |
“The Union Coal Oil Company‘s refinery, at Maysville, Ky., was partially destroyed by fire this afternoon. Loss heavy in oil; insurance unknown.” New York Times, July 18, 1866 | Then there was the guy that tried to start a nitroglycerin factory in Maysville. Details. Followed closely by this law from the Kentucky Legislature. |
“Jan. 30 - Maysville was visited to-day by the most destructive fire in the history of the city. The Washington Opera House and the Mason County Library Building, full of rare books and historic relics, were burned, and a number of business houses were more or less damaged. The total loss will approximate $50,000.” from the New York Times of January 31, 1898 | In 1872, bad weather could mean you didn't eat. Details. |
“The Maysville Tribune says that there are thirty-two cigar manufacturers in that district and loud talk of more.” Courier-Journal, November 25, 1875 | |
“The Louisville Courier learns that the hog cholera continues to prevail to an alarming extent along the Kentucky river, and the Ohio as far up as Portsmouth. At a distillery in Gallatin county no less than 400 hogs died in two pens in less than a week. At the Carrollton distillery the deaths among the hogs are fearfully on the increase, and the same fatality prevails in Mason county. The owners of these hogs in most cases “try” them up into what is termed grease, which is sold to the stearine candle makers at about nine cents per pound.” Frank Leslie's Weekly, May 2, 1857. | “Maysville, Ky., July 1, 1875. We the employees of the “Saw Mill,” respectfully challenge you, the employee of the “Planing Mill” for a match game of baseball. Game to be called Saturday at four o’clock p.m. at such a place as we agree upon. Signed, Chas. C. Dobyns, For Saw Mill.” Letter in the Maysville Republican, July 3, 1875 |
An article by an unknown author from 1910 on Maysville businesses is here. | Some, not all, Maysville Businesses, listed by the number of men, women, and children they employed in 1917, here. |
“Maysville has started a piano factory, and complains of a scarcity of dwelling houses for working men.” Courier-Journal, August 16, 1870 | from The Spirit of A Greater Maysville and Mason County, 1935, the Prologue and the Shining Glory. |