street scenes

Kenton's Station

Kenton's Station


Beechwood Maysville, Kentucky Maysville, Kentucky
Picturesque Beechwood



Fire at Beechwood, c. 1978
from a Facebook post by Mark Humphries

Beechwood Maysville, Kentucky Maysville, Kentucky
 Beechwood Park Scenes 

Lucy Lee's Beautiful Beechwood is here (pdf)

The east Maysville park in 1919 didn't get very good reviews.

Library Maysville Library Maysville Library Maysville Library

A Caroline Williams sketch of the Library

Original Maysville Library First Street, 1969 Maysville Country Club
      A little background.

Central Avenuenew

Near Central Avenue, c. 1947
From a Facebook post by Bonita Jean Botkin
(that's her mother Bonnie Joan Stacy on the black coat)


Maysville, Kentucky Maysville, Kentucky Circus Circus
The Maysville Bombs

The Maysville - Germantown
 Stage Coach

The Circus rolls into Maysville

Drunk Driver
The Catholic Telegraph, April 24, 1841

Alms House Clark Street Flood Wall Construction Opera House
Alms House
a.k.a, The Poor House
On 6th.
Clark Street
from a Ron Bailey post on Facebook
Flood Wall Construction
Begun in 1949, completed in 1956
Maysville Opera House
from a Ron Bailey Facebook post


“A young man of this city was arrested on the Elm Street Fair grounds for
gambling. But he was released when it was ascertained that the other fellow
had knocked him down, beat him mercilessly, and then ran off with his stakes.”
Maysville Eagle, as reported in the Courier-Journal of September 26, 1873


“A Maysville policeman was fined $10 for viciously striking a horse.”
Georgetown (Ohio) News-Democrat, June 15, 1899


Forest Avenuenew

Forest Avenue, before they cut down the trees
From a Facebook post by Ron Bailey


Forest Avenue Forest Avenue Govermnent Street Limestone
May, 1963 July, 1963 Government Street Limestone Street
Forest Avenue. after cutting down all the trees on both sides of the streets, an additional two lanes were added. From a Facebook post by Jim Parker From a Facebook post by John Henderson


Newtown Bridge

Newtown Bridge Construction
East Second going over Limestone Creek
From a Facebook post by Ron Bailey

Golf Course Bridge

At the golf course. A bridge not known for its stability.


Jockey Club

Maysville Jockey Club, 1839


Maysville, Kentucky Maysville, Kentucky 6th Street
Street to the Ferry, 1946 Looking north on Tyler Street Walds and Center Streets
(with the Parker Re-dryer water tower)



On the Germantown Road above Plugtown


Grave Alley 6th Street Maysville Scene
Grave Alley, 1940 (from 2nd to 3rd, between Wall and Sutton) Sixth Street
From a Facebook post by Camilla Kehoe
Gold Star List

West Fourth Street (pdf) is on the National Register of Historic Places.

Downtown Maysville (pdf) is also on the National Register of Historic Places.


Miss Maysville
The Public Ledger, September 29, 1916

(We find zero hits on Google on this film.)


Golf Course Bridge

Celebrating the American Centennial, 1876
Showing the Croquet Depot?


Celebration Celebration
The nineteenth and early 20th centuries saw elaborate decorations for celebrations, as seen in these two images of Second Street, likely from the late 1800's.

Morse's American Gazetteer, Boston, 1810

Maysville, Kentucky Maysville, Kentucky Maysville, Kentucky
Ferris Wheel Maysville Scene
From an old stereoview, c. 1880
Rosemary Clooney
 Parade, 1953


It's a living...

Ralph Tomkins
from the Maysville Public Ledger, January 5, 1914


Maysville Trolley Maysville Trolley Troley
Trolley in the snow Streetcar driver Milton T. McClanahan, 1930,from a Facebook post by his grandson, Alex McClanahan Two horsepo . . . uh, mulepower Trolley
Maysville, Kentucky Maysville, Kentucky Maysville, Kentucky
Maysville Trolley, c. 1930 The summer cars had no sides.  This is c. 1910  Over the trestle to the fairgrounds  
The trolley in Maysville began, horse-drawn, on August 14, 1883.  It converted to electricity in 1891, and ran through the December 31, 1936. In its last year, it carried 400,000 passengers, but lost money. It ran from a turn-around loop east of the cemetery, along Second Street to Bridge, along Third to Market, and down Market back to Second. It followed Second to another turn-around loop, just East of Beasley Creek. There were two short passing tracks, one between Commerce and Poplar, and one between Wall and Sutton. The tracks got ripped out in 1942: scrap for the war effort.

A 1910 item on the Maysville Street Railroad is here.



The last day of the street car.
Lexington Herald, January 1, 1937

Mason Line

The name Limestone comes from an expedition in 1773 of nine men, including Captain Thomas Young, Captain John Hedges, and Lawrence Darnell. They guided their boat, from Pittsburg, into the Limestone Creek cove, and camped there for a number of days. It was Hedges who named the place Limestone. See G. Glenn Clift's History of Maysville and Mason County.

Former President John Quincy Adams visited Maysville on November 14, 1843.

President Andrew Jackson's steamboat cruised by Maysville but snubbed the city by refusing to stop.

President Theodore Roosevelt's train stopped in Maysville.

The first birth's in Mason County
Child's Name Parent(s) Location Date
Col. Joseph Logan John Logan McKinley's Blockhouse September 27, 1785
Mrs. Elizabeth Forman (nee Dolly Wood)   Washington December 14, 1786
John Mefford George Mefford Maysville December 4, 1787
Mrs. Joseph Morris (nee May Overfield)   Kenton's Station September 6, 1788
Mrs. Emily (Milly) Hancock Jacob Boone Maysville December 6, 1788
Isaac Thomas   Mefford's Station November 8, 1789
From G. Glenn Clift's History of Maysville and Mason County, who cites Collins' History of Kentucky as his source. Why neither sought to name mothers who just might have been involved in these births we have no further information.

Mason Line

“At Maysville, in Kentucky, between Huntington and Cincinnati, there are two extensive cotton factories and several iron foundries. The town contains many handsome streets, and is the entry port for the north-eastern section of the State. It is also the most extensive hemp market in the whole country.”  Scribners Monthly, December 1874.

Mason Line

You can find 50 or so Maysville scenes from the late 1960's and early 1970's at UK.  The relevant UK site is here.

Mason Line

Maysville, Kentucky 

S. J. Daugherty, Monuments
Thanks to Bill and Judy Cooper for this one.

Maysville, Kentucky Maysville, Kentucky Maysville, Kentucky
Union Soldiers Monument,
Maysville Cemetery
Foster Monument Construction Maysville's Murray &
Thomas Monuments
(The actual statute here
is in Flemingsburg)


Maysville, Kentucky Maysville, Kentucky
Scene from the Democratic
 Barbeque in Maysville, 1909
US Post Office and
Opera House

Talking Pictures!! OMG! It's 1913, and they have talking pictures at the Washington Theater! Here.

Maysville, Kentucky
Slave Quarters, 1907

Before the Civil War, this building was used for housing  slaves who were considered unruly, or who were caught trying to use the underground railroad.  It stood on Second  Street where the high school auditorium was built.


Boy's Club

The Boy's Club
The Limestone Center is at this location these days.


Maysville, Kentucky Maysville, Kentucky
Graves of Jacob and Mary Boone. He ran a tavern in Maysville,and died in 1828 Sanborn Fire Map of Second and Sutton Find out how to see the entire
set of Maysville Sanborn's here.

Mason Line

A Walking Tour of Maysville, with descriptions of notable sites. Here. (pdf)

Mason Line

Race Track

Maysville Jockey Club Races, 1839


Race Track Race Track Race Track
Floral Hall Grandstand and refreshment tent Judges Stand Track and Stables


Track Burns

from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, February 15, 1891

Mason Line


Fair Fair
Fairgrounds, c, 1900, east of the cemetery.


Maysville's name changed from Limestone to Maysville, after John May. Who was John May?
“Maysville, Ky, is a thriving and active place, and the county seat of Mason Co. It is situated on a narrow bottom, between the high hills which rise just behind it and the Ohio. It is the depot of the goods and merchandise intended to supply the northeastern part of the state of Kentucky, which are imported from the eastern cities. It is a well-built, handsome city, and contains a fine city hall, several churches, a bank, two printing offices, seminaries, public schools, cotton-factories, etc. etc. Pop. between 5,000 and 6,000.” from Appleton's Southern and Western Travelers' Guide, 1849
1832 book reviewer questions, sort of, authors judgment of Maysville, here. Prohibition on pool tables repealed in 1866. East Maysville incorporates as a separate city in 1847.
We can't believe but what this was a slow day in the newspaper business.
newA Maysville policeman shots an unarmed Black man in 1956. Controversy ensued. Here's the original story, the follow-up and the trial results.
W.C. Marshall dies in shooting in Brooksville; his cousin James shoot man dead the same day on Maysville, here. A disastrous fire consumed major parts of Maysville in 1847, here. A disastrous fire consumed major parts of Maysville in 1866, here.
2nd and 3rd Streets changed to one way streets in 1952. People approved. Richard Stanton and several others were arrested on October 2, 1861 for being “an active secessionist.” The official accounts of what followed are here. (pdf)
Wade in the Water: Jim Crow Scenes from Maysville, Kentucky is a master's level thesis from George Stitt Miley. It's a pdf online at this site.
“Augusta has established telegraphic communications with Maysville.” Courier-Journal, November 4, 1876 Maysville declares war on rats in 1923. Maysville petitioned the State of Virginia in 1787 to become officially recognized as a town.
newMaysville improvements, 1848. newMaysville re-incorporates in 1833. newA few random Maysville laws, 1816.
Two similar but different pieces by Alice Taylor Gill at the right: Some Glimpses of Early  Maysville is here(pdf) Some Glimpses of Kentucky and Early Maysville is here. (pdf)
Can you name the fourteen - 14 - differently named neighborhoods of Maysville? Minkville? Plugtown? We can.  “The [Maysville] Bulletin says velocipedes [bicycles] are becoming as common as drays in Maysville.”  Courier-Journal, March 9, 1869
“The Maysville Trotting Park will be used as a fair ground next fall.” Courier-Journal, January 5, 1868 “Tourists going to points in Kentucky generally take the evening boat for Maysville, Kentucky, from which point to Lexington, Kentucky, there is a macadamized road which has few equals in the country.”  From The Wheelman, An Illustrated of Cycling Literature and News, October, Vol. 1, 1882-March 1883.
Shootout on the streets of Maysville, here. Letters from 1860 from a Maysville lawyer an his brother discuss slavery, here (pdf). “Another sad affair.”
“The Fair of the North Kentucky Agricultural and Mechanical Association convened at Maysville. It is the most successful of the kind ever held there. The number present on the first day was estimated at from ten to twelve thousand.” Sacramento Daily Union, October 10, 1859 “Improvement is said to be the watchword in Maysville.  The Eagle declares that the city ‘seems to have awakened from its slumberous lethargy and leaped into the arena of civilized progression like a giant refreshed from its sleep.’”  Courier-Journal July 7, 1868 “On Friday next James Love is to be hung in Maysville for rape.  This will be the first white man ever hung in Kentucky for that crime.”  Daily Courier, February 4, 1868
An 1804 description of Maysville / Limestone, here. What else was happening in 1804? Here.
Courier-Journal says this 1898 fire was the worst fire one in the history of Maysville.  There were also big fires in 1848, and 1849. An 1834 description of Maysville is here.


Maysville Papers
We know that there were at least these newspapers in pre-Civil War Maysville.. The dates represent issues that have been found, or referenced, not a start or stop date (the *). The division symbol indicates also publishing after the war. W is weekly.

Mason Line

An 1871 city directory of Maysville lists, with addresses, each of the towns citizens, here (pdf).
(and by “citizens,” since it's 1871, we're talking white men and a few widows)

It also has a listing of businesses, by business type, and with some ads, here (pdf).

Mason Line

Mason County Fair Barnum

Mason County Fair ad
from the Maysville Evening Journal, July 7, 1900

  Likely not the same event as advertised at the left, but the same type of act.

Buffalo Bill

Parade for the Buffalo Bill Show
From a Facebook post by Ron Bailey


Amusement Kenton's Station Barnum
Buffalo Bill's Show, c. 1899

P. T. Barnum Comes to Town



Bucksin Bill's

The Buckskin Bill Show comes to Maysville
also from the Maysville Evening Journal, July 7, 1900

The May 15,1875 Maysville Republican was chock full of interesting data:
Post Office Hours (Open Sunday) A Business Directory A Church Directory Mason Co State Coach timetable

Mason Line

Market House

The jockey shown here atop Stone Street, is Arthur Pickens whose wife was from Maysville, and Maysville was Pickens home after he retired. He's in the Jockey Hall of Fame, had 76 career wins, and in 1908 won the Kentucky Derby atop Stone Street. Read more about him at Wikipedia.

Stone Street won the 1908 Derby, but still holds the record for the slowest winning speed ever in a Kentucky Derby. He died a gelding.
Image from a Facebook post by Ron Bailey


Market House

Market House, 1829-1883. More on the Market House is here.

A correspondent from “Washington City,” who signs himself “O.B.,” wrote a series of sixteen letters describing his memories from the Maysville of yesteryear, 1832. Some are long; some short. All are pdf's. The Market House picture above is also used by him.
Letter 1 Letter 2 Letter 3 Letter 4
Letter 5 Letter 6 Letter 7 Letter 8
Letter 9 Letter 10 Letter 11 Letter 12
Letter 13 Letter 14 Letter 15 Letter 16
“$50,000 worth of meat is annually sold from the Maysville Market House.  This does not include the 3-5,000 sheep butchered for their hides and tallow, or cattle bought by the butchers for export.”  from the Louisville Morning Courier, September 13, 1845

Mason Line

Maysville, Kentucky Maysville, Kentucky

   A Walking Tour of Maysville

Mason Line