Other Boone

Boone County

Howard Beeson's Rocking Chair Lodge
3 miles south of Florence, Kentucky on US 25




Boone County

Boone County Devon
Lawrence and Maude Daugherty's store in Devon. That's Clyde and Lillian Daugherty on the tractor.
Thanks to Les Daugherty for these.  More info from Les is here.

Crescent Valley, or perhaps just Crescent, applied to have its own post office in 1887,
but the name was declined, and they settled instead on the name Devon.



Devon Toll Gate
From a Facebook post by Dale Ashcraft


Cropper Bridge

Carroll Cropper Bridge Construction
From a Facebook post by Marty Cahill
Who was Carroll Cropper? The Boone County Library knows.

newBridge construction was from 1968-1977, but it was announced earlier. In 1952.


Toll Roads

Covered bridge thought to have been located in Boone County. It may well be Burlington, Ohio.
From a Facebook post by Boone County Borderlands Archive and History Center


Details about Boone County's covered bridges


New Haven Grill New Haven Grill Chicken Farm
New Haven Grill, 1969 New Haven School, 1969 S. D. “Doc” Edwards, chicken broiler plant, New Haven


New Haven

New Haven Sophomore Class Picture, 1935
From a Facebook post by Casey Head, whose grandfather is second from the right.


Ryle Roadnew

Rolfsen House on Ryle Road
From a Facebook post by Buzz Burns of a Mike Fletcher photo

Boone County Hamilton School
Loading Tobacco, Hamilton Hamilton School
from the Owen Electric Cooperative Facebook page


Hamilton's Landing was originally platted as “Landing” in 1835 but no settlement is thought to have ever been established with that name. It was changed to “Hamilton” after Joel Hamilton, one of the original proprietors, on Feb. 17, 1846. The Act changing it. “Squire Alphin, of Hamilton, of whom it is related that he once adjourned court to let two prisoners to fight it out,  was registered at the Day House yesterday.  The old gentleman tells some amusing anecdotes of Judge McManama.  One about the judge making him pay his own court docket of seven dollars - he having trusted “the boys” for their fines and not having yet collected.”from a Covington newspaper, The Ticket, April 22, 1875
While there may never have been an actual settlement at “Landing,” there was an Act by the Kentucky Legislature to establish it as a town in 1835. The “Rouse Bridge,” between Florence and Limaburg, is reconstructed in 1955.
The Union men of Hamilton meet in 1866, declare secession unconstitutional, thank the soldiers and sailors of the Civil War, and tell the government they want nobody voting but white men, here. 1864 Civil War episode in Hamilton, here.
Another Civil War related episode from Hamilton, here.
Governor's debate in Hamilton, here.
There are four houses in rural Boone County on the National Register of Historic Places. The applications, all pdf's, containing photo's, maps, history, and architectural details are available for the Robert Chambers House (East Bend), and the Thomas Zane Roberts House (on Middle Creek) the Abe Souther House (Francisville)and the John Moore House. (Taylorsport Road).
Also on the National Register of Historic Places are the East Bend Church, and the Hamilton School.
Hamilton's Mrs. Thomas Huff is awash in the waters of the 1937 Flood, but she still manages to get her column to the paper: Here, here, and here.
Highway robbery attempted in Hamilton in 1850.
Waggoner's Ferry, near the East Bend Bottoms, 1831. 5,000 acres offered for sale on Gunpowder Creek in 1792.
Escaped slaves sought, captured, in Hamilton in 1860, here. The Freedman reports these episodes from 1866, near Hamilton.
Cincinnati Daily Commercial, July 24, 1865
  No Mama
Cincinnati Commercial, June 6, 1866


newBox Car
Indianapolis Journal, February 20, 1884

News of the 1884 flood


Making Sorghum Boone County Boone County

Making Sorghum, somewhere in Boone County

Making Sorghum on East
 Bend Road, 1960
Harvesting Wheat in the
North Bend Bottoms, 1937


An 1890 correspondent describes North Bend, here; another, from 1900, is here.

The site of the Village of North Bend, Ohio is here.
(site of America's first train robbery!)

North Bend damage from the Flood of 1883.

I.O.O.F. East Bend Lodge, No. 135, has been established at East Bend, Ky., on
Wednesday evening, March 25, by B. E. Garnett, District Deputy Grand Master."
from Vevay's Indiana Reveille, April 8, 1857

“The steamer Fanny Fern, bound up, exploded one of her boilers, on Thursday afternoon, Jan. 28th, a little below North Bend. The boat immediately took fire and burned to the water’s edge; floating down, the hull sunk near the Kentucky shore. Some fifteen persons lost their lives and several others were injured.” Ironton Review, February 4, 1858


Sand Run Church Sand Run Church Sand Run Church
Sand Run Church in Francesville
From a Facebook post by Betty Baker French

Sand Run was established in 1799, with Black and White members.

There's a history of the Sand Run Church at this site.

A shorter history of Sand Run is here.

Point Pleasant

Point Pleasant Church
From a Facebook post by Keith Hamilton

Boone County Boone County Point Pleasant Christian

Point Pleasant Christian Church

Point Pleasant Christian, Dedication Scenes
right, From a Facebook post by Connie Bassant

It was at  the top of the hill from Constance, north west of the Mineola / I - 275 interchange. A history of the church is here. Another history of the church is here.

newThe Pleasant Ridge Institute was chartered in 1869.



“Quillersville, Boone County.  I am requested by a member of the South Fork Church to say to readers of the Commonwealth that their meetings have changed from the first to the second Sunday of each month.”  from Covington’s Daily Commonwealth, March 27. 1879


The location of Redden's Landing


Robert Willis buried $65,000 in gold on his farm at Marrow, Boone County? Well, No. And yes, and no. Details.


Lots of Boone Countians can locate the little towns of Taylorsport, and Belleview, and some are better, knowing where Waterloo, Kensington and Idlewild are. We doubt many can name the locations of these society column headings from the Boone County Recorder (we can't!): Nonpariel Park, Flickertown, Gasburg, River View, Hill Top, Craw Valley, Fibtown, Owl Hollow, Plattsburg, Commissary, Buffalo, Pannels Bottom, Sycamore Valley, and Valley Flats. From Covington papers, we also find Boone County communities called Owl Cottage, Slusherville, Hogans X Roads, and Starvation Hollow.

Commissary identified.

And what about Mount Vernon?

A camp meeting [Wikipedia] to be held in Mt. Zion.


Boone County Boone County Boone County Boone County

Southfork Church, Berkshire
(Do we all remember “Berkshire,
KY”? Click here for map)

The old General Store is
behind the cow on the left!
Southfork Church
These two scenes show one building prior to the Southfork pics at left.


Boone County

Promotional Postcard for the Midwestern Jamboree, 1940


Boone County

Boone County


Florence Overnite Park
actually in Devon
Devon Depot, unknown date The Devon Tollgate
From a Facebook post by Matt Mansu


Devon Depot Devon Depot Devon Depot Devon Depot
The Devon Depot, 10.5 railroad miles from Ludlow


Devon Depot Devon Depot
Buffington Depot, 9.1 railroad miles from Ludlow. We're not sure if this one was in Boone or Kenton. More on Buffington. Railroad building at Grubbs, Ky., 12.5 railroad miles from Ludlow. (Richwood is at 13.8.)


Boone County 

Waterloo General Store
photo by Frank Milburn


Boone County Boone County
US 42, looking southwest,
Duckhead, 1940
The Duckhead Inn,
also around 1940


Boone County

Laughery Island, a.k.a. Lochry Island, and not to be confused with Big Bone Island. Laughery is just above Belleview. It's named after Colonel Archibald Andrew Lochry (15 April 1733—24 August 1781), who fought a battle in the American Revolutionary War near the site. At Wikipedia, you can read about Lochry, and his battle.


Woolper Creek North Bend
Caroline Williams sketches the Woolper Creek Bridge Looking from Ohio towards North Bend, 1937 Flood

Woolper Creek, and the origin of its name here, and a history of the bridge, here.

There were two Woolper Creek Bridges. One washed out in 1907.

You've likely seen a business called Wild Flavors from I-275 in Boone County. You should know that the company has a long and illustrious history, as detailed at the site of dann woellert the food etymologist. Great site.
“Three negroes, belonging to a Mr. Bryan, of Orange Grove, Bourbon county, made their escape Thursday, and crossed the river about ten miles below Cincinnati.”  from the Louisville Daily Courier, June 5, 1855 “Local inspectors of Steam Vessels Dameron and Fern will on Friday make the first and only inspection that has so far been made in this district, of a boat propelled by means of gasoline. The boat is a ferry called Ella R., owned by S. H. Goslin, of Delhi, Ohio, and which plies between that town and Taylorsport, Ky.” Cincinnati Enquirer, June 24, 1897
Wharton Jones, a Boone County slave owner sues John Van Zandt, who may or may not have helped a slave named Letta to escape. The entire trial summary is here.
    “The Cincinnati Commercial of yesterday says Captain Charles David has concluded his repairs to the Dumont, and she looks like a new boat. He made a trial trip yesterday, and made the run from Taylorsport to the bridge in sixty minutes; a distance of eleven miles. Pretty good time for new cylinders. The Dumont will resume her trips in the Madison trade next Tuesday.” From the Louisville Daily Journal, May 25, 1866
“P. S. Bush, a Covington resident recalled his first encounter with a steamboat, the New Orleans, the first boat to go down – and up – the Ohio: 'in the fall of the year 1811, after the embargo was laid on English vessels, and before the earthquakes of 1811, my father was residing on the Ohio River, nearly opposite General Harrison’s farm at North Bend.  The family was one day much surprised at seeing the young Mr. Weldon’s running down the river much alarmed, and shouting, "the British are coming down the river.”  There  had of course been a current rumor of war with that power.  All the family immediately ran to the riverbank.  We saw, something, I knew not what, but supposed it was a sawmill from the working of the lever beam, making its slow but [illeg] with the current.  We were shortly afterwards informed that it was a steamboat.'” Unattributed, undated news clipping in the Madison Jefferson County [Indiana] Library files.
Civil War skirmish in Mt. Zion? Deets. Boone County woman has a 40-pound tumor removed, in 1855, in what the Enquirer called “one of the most hazardous operations known to surgeons.” Story here.

An account of a fox hunt in Duckhead, 1897, here.

The news from Waterloo, in 1907 is here.

  Selma, from East Bend, has her poem published.



Rector is standing stud on Gunpowder Creek, 1888
From a Facebook post by Pamela Sue Thomas


 Boone County  

E. T. Hurley etching, Boone County Gunpowder Creek, 1919


Hathaway School

Hathaway School


“Covington, Ky., - May 29. - Word was received here this morning of a night raid at Hathaway, in the western part of Boone county.  The riders, thirty strong, descended on the village at one o'clock this morning, and after terrorizing the town, destroyed the tobacco beds of Edward Sullivan, Raymond Smith, Hance Ross and Omer Adams.” from the Frankfort Weekly News and Roundabout, May 30, 1908.

This item report's a skirmish in the tobacco wars of the time.  Read more here.


Boone County Tobacco Farming Boone County Tobacco Farming Boone County Tobacco Farming
Boone County Tobacco Farming Boone County Tobacco Farming Boone County Tobacco Farming Boone County Tobacco Farming
Tobacco farming somewhere in Boone County, c. 1969


Migration Migration

Boone County African-Americans migrate to Indiana
From a Facebook post by Boone County Library Local History
