Part 1

Walton, Kentucky

37 Alta Vista, Walton


Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky

Alta Vista Drive, Circa 1948
That's Cameron, John and Barbara Brakefield on the bikes.

Another early Alta Vista scene

In 1955, they assessed Alta Vista property owners for new sidewalks.


Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky

Hurt / Miller House
34 South Main

Mattie and Anna Hudson's Home
sw  corner of Main & Beaver  Road

Rouse Home
An Ameristop parking lot these days

The old Chambers & Grubbs Funeral Home is on the National Register of Historical Places.
The pictures from that application are here (pdf).

Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky
Elva Hughes Home? Mattheney Home

Nick Welsh Home

These four homes were where the Mary Grubbs Highway  meets US 25 these days.


Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky The Montgomery House

Perry Mann Home
corner of Main & Welsh,  north of Welsh

Knox House
Immediately north of the Mann home.

The Montgomery House, on Beaver Road, roughly across from Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church & Academy


Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky
The Home of R. I. Ratcliff, in Walton, Kentucky
circa 1910
Ellis McElroy Home
5 doors north of the Christian Church
Looking South, leaving Walton
That's Travis Dunn's Gulf Station behind you.
from a Facebook post by John Denver Praither

Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky

South Main Street

Renslar House Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky

A Ransler House, somewhere in Walton
from a Facebook post by Kerry Mattis Trouberman

South Main Street
The Dr. Harry Mann / Guy Carlisle Home
Still standing, and now a private residence, Mag Thomas' boarding house is on the east
side of main, across from what is now the library.


Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky
north from North Main south on North Main


Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky

   Lots of the pictures of old Walton were given to us by Ed and Janet Harden, (Thanks!) who got them from the old Brakefield Drug Store, where it is assumed they passed from the pharmacist prior to Mr. Brakefield, one Robert W. Jones.  The three pictures above were in the group, so we assume they're Walton, but who knows??  If you do, we'd love to hear from you. Winifed Miller's response to our request above is here.

Ads  from  Robert W. Jones'  Drug Store, and some pics of the front window display are here.


And then there's Walton's most famous home, the Gaines House

Gault House Gault House Gault House
In the 1950's & 60's the Gaines home was John Gault's Antiques

Gault House

This is the ad for the auction of John Gault's treasures. It lasted for 12 days. To quote the ad, “Plan your vacation now to attend this one of a kind sale. The variety, quality and condition are unbelievable.” It wasn't hyperbole. from the Tri-State Trader, September 1, 1979

The Boone County Recorder published this piece on the home on July 26, 1899,  there's
an undated piece (we'd guess 1930's - 40's) of unknown authorship here (pdf), while last is Elizabeth
 Coomer's very fine piece called Gaines Tavern (pdf).

We see here that they're going to tear down the Gaines house.

A contemporary brochure from the Friends of Gaines Tavern is here. (pdf)

The Abner Gaines House (pdf) is on the National Register of Historic Places.
The application has pictures, history, a map, and architectural details.

Gault House Gault House
Abner Gaines Susan Elizabeth Gaines
From a Facebook post by J. D. Mayo


Burlington, Boone County,Kentucky
Gaines' Stage Coach, Lawrenceburg Palladium, July 5, 1834


Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky

Walton, Kentucky

Pete Water's House
Others who lived
here are here.

John & Nell Campbell, Oz & Carrie
Rouse, Graham Roberts, or Baker, at
various times, due north of City Hall

 Bill Lancaster Home
South Main, just
beyond the city limits



Log Cabin near Walton, built by Cincinnati Fire Chief Barney Houston.
from the November 25, 1934 Cincinnati Enquirer, a drawing by Caroline Williams

Believed to have been on North Main, across from Haley Lane
Thanks to Buddy Grubbs for info on this one.


Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky
left, Coke Hall Home;
right, Romes Home;
across the street from
the homes at the right
Dr. Ryle Home & Office, 1974 Home next to Christian Church,
once a Loomis Home, later the
Edwin Johnson home
  Both of these were where the Christian Church Parking Lot is today


The first house in Walton is reported to have been built on the site of the Christian Church in 1790 by Hamilton Johnson.


These houses, in or around Walton, are on the National Register of Historic Places and are all pdf's. Generally, each will have maps, histories, and floor plans, as well as interior and exterior photographs.
Scott Chambers House Chandler House Code House Edwards House
Harvey Hicks House Hudson House Hughes House Clifton-Mayhough
Clifton-Mayhough, II Tomlin House Nicholas Blau House Robert Chambers House
Hind Farm Wallace House  


Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky
Looking North, from the Baptist Church
the smaller house on the right is the Christian Church parsonage; the larger white home to the left was the
Vallandingham / McElroy home.
Rouse/Nuemeister/Brewster Home. That's  A. M. Rouse, Asa Rouse's  great-
grandfather  in the foreground
77 South Main Street


Walton, Kentucky Walton, Kentucky

Corner of Church and Main
That's John Stephenson's home on the corner.
The brick building was Doc Webster's Radio and TV Shop
