
Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky
Main Street Looking East
Published by the Driskell
Brothers of Ghent
An aerial view of Ghent
from the College
Aerial of Ghent, taken from atop
the Ghent College Building.  That's
the Ghent Christian Church's steeple.
Aerial View of Ghent


Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky

Main Cross Street, Ghent, circa 1910
color images published by the Driskell Brothers of Ghent

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In 1816, a Cincinnati paper annoucnes a new town across from Vevay

In 1901 the Carrollton Democrat and the Ghent Times jointly ran a five-part history of Ghent
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 


Ghent, Kentucky

Main Cross Street Before Fire of December 8, 1915

Snow in Ghent Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky
Snow scenes at Ghent (left, Union Street looking east)

Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky
East side of Main Cross, between Union and Liberty Streets. Ghent Snow Scenes, c. WWI
From a Facebook post by Bill Davis From a Facebook post by Darrell Maines


Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky
“Main Street Looking Toward River,”
Ghent, c. 1920
Street Scene,
c. 1910
Ghent Flour Mill


Ghent, Kentucky
An aerial view of Ghent, from Scott's Hill
The Ghent postcard has not been mailed, but is addressed to Miss Ruth Graham, Warsaw, KY, “Hi You kid, You can just bet I did tell C. what you said. Thanks for the pictures. Weren't you really glad I left? My departure seems to have brought you a streak of luck. Well, I am having a dandy time too. Call me up. Lovingly, Agnes” 

Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky
“The I.O.O.F. Building at Ghent, Ky. collapsed at noon today [February 16, 1916] and is a total loss.  The building is valued at $8,000, and tenants suffer a loss of $2,000 more.  No lives were lost, but some narrow escapes resulted from the falling walls.  Dan Hanlen lost two automobiles stored in the garage, owned by his son, Perry Hanlon, on the ground floor of the building.  An expensive gasoline pumping outfit was destroyed.  C. W. Brown, who operates a pool room in the same  building suffered a small loss.  The structure is said to have fallen because of a wall weakened by the fire which burned down adjacent buildings last December.” from the Louisville Courier Journal, February 17, 1916, reprinting an item from the Vevay Reveille of February 16, 1916

Ghent, Kentucky

Lick Creek, near Ghent
While the card says “near Ghent”, Lick
Creek runs from Bramlette to Sanders


Perry Maines

Perry Maines, on a frozen Ohio River
From a Facebook post by Darrell Maines


Remarkable women from Ghent:
Corinne Gex Princy Brown Stith Aunt Landram
Angie Rice
Hartford (KY) Herald, January 11, 1905

Ann Robertson

Hartford (KY) Herald, September 4, 1889


Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky
Street Scene Another Snow Scene Another Snow Scene


Gen. Buell

Ghent's Bill Davis sent us this reference to a Gallatin/Carroll County Civil War episode on the detaining of the Gen. Buell that ended up in the U.S. Supreme Court.  News story here. Details at this site.  That site will give you a summary, and for all the gory details, follow the link at the top of that page.  Fascinating stuff.

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Ghent, Kentucky

Map of Ghent from 1883
To get your own Carroll & Gallatin 1883 Atlas, go to this site.

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In 1931, there were four chapters of the United Daughters of the Confederacy in the area covered by Northern Kentucky Views:  Newport, Covington, Maysville, and Ghent.  Details on the Ghent chapter are found here.

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Ghent, Ky

Feature story on Ghent
Kentucky Post. December 18, 1936


Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky Diuguid's Cabbage
Free Talking Machines
at Driskell's
Architectural detail
on Tandy House
Mary Diuguid's stuffed cabbage awarded 2nd place in Enquirer recipe contest, December 3, 1927

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There's a web site dedicated to reporting how clean, or dirty, various
power plants are.  Click around on their site, here.  Ghent the
most polluting power plant in Kentucky?  They say yes.

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Robert Smiley
Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, February 3, 1860


Ghent reorganizes as an official city in 1876. Ghent reorganizes in 1839.


At leest one person in Jent cared about how fokes speled wurds.  More here. Citizens of Ghent hold a meeting in 1859.  New York Times notices it, and mocks it, in a story here.
Safe Crackers hit Ghent bank.

“Carrollton, Ky., February 13. – “Aunt” Peggy Jones died at Ghent, Ky.  She was 124 years old.  Her oldest living child, Charlotte, is over 100 years old. These colored people have always lived in and about Ghent. Charlotte is active, and Aunt Peggy was a wonder for her age.” From the Cincinnati Enquirer,  February 12, 1901

Text of the Kentucky General Assembly's Act to establish Ghent is here.
A Ghent wedding party takes a steamer to New Orleans, here.
“The [steamboat] George W. Clark laid here until twelve o’clock last night, in order to accommodate the people of Lawrenceburg, Aurora, Rising Sun and Patriot, who go to attend a celebration of the Order of Odd Fellows at Ghent, Ky.”  From the Cincinnati Enquirer,  April 26, 1877 “Joshua Wayland, who lives just back of Ghent, killed 600 rabbits with a shotgun during the winter. He shipped most of them to Cincinnati.”  Carrollton Democrat, February 8, 1879
“The Board of Education [at Newport] last night elected Prof. C. H. Duncan, of Ghent, Ky., Principal of public schools.  Prof. Duncan is nearing the half-century milepost in life’s journey, and has held responsible educational positions at Nashville, Tenn., and at Ghent, Ky.  He is at present in Newport.”  From the Cincinnati Enquirer, July 12, 1901
Vevay fires cannon toward guerrillas in Ghent in 1864, story here. “The Ghent Post Office is being moved into the Guy Griffith Building on the corner of Main Cross and Union Street.”  Gallatin County News, Nov. 1, 1934
“While Mr. O'Sullivan was in Ghent, he stopped at the American House, kept by our friend, James P. Cox.  One day, an Irishman from Vevay called at the “American” evidently for the purpose of insulting Mr. O'S. Mr. Cox, seeing what he was at, caught him by the back of the neck, and by the seat of his breeches, and pitched him out in the street, telling him that no man should insult the guests of his house.  It is said that the Vevay Irishman left in a very short time, and is careful now how he talks when he visits Ghent since that memorable occasion.”  from the Vevay Reveille, December 19, 1855 “The authorities of Ghent, Ky., together with many citizens thereof, were highly excited on Monday last, and arrested a young man on the charge of being an escaped horse thief, who was entirely innocent of the charge.  The young man was engaged in selling books by subscription.  The legal authorities of Ghent have laid themselves liable to heavy penalties by being too quick on trigger, and this case should be a warning to them in the future.”  from the Vevay's Indiana Reveille, July 20, 1859
“A white man named Andrew Ellis, at Ghent, Ky., last night shot a negro for refusing to curry his horse.” Indianapolis News, August 14, 1893

The Ghent Masonic Lodge was authorized in 1866. Curiously, their new lodge was dedicated 11 years earlier:
Masonic Dedication
from Vevay's Weekly Reveille, June 27, 1855

“A Ghent serenader sang 'I'm thinking love, of thee' when the descent of about four gallons of water from a second story window proved that her papa was thinking of him.”  from Carrollton's Daily Democrat, October 13, 1870 “Many of our citizens enjoyed the rare privilege of crossing the river on the ice Sunday last. We noticed a large number of the citizens of Vevay in attendance at the Baptist Church in Ghent, where an interesting sermon was preached by Rev. William Johnson, to a large and attentive congregation.”  from the Vevay Reveille, February 13, 1856
Ghent citizens meet in 1859, vote to invade Canada. Details. The Ghent hit by a severe storm in 1861. Details.
“Murder – A reward of $400 is offered for the apprehension and delivery of a Negro boy, who had murdered his mistress, Miss Tabitha O’Neal, on Monday, the 29th inst. Near Ghent, Carroll county, Kentucky. The boy is 19 or 20 years old, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, and rode off a bright yellow bay mare.” Indiana American, Brookville, Ind. , September, 7, 1839
More on the Tabitha O'Neal murder, with details that are gruesome, here. Bartlett to hang.
Ghent established a school in 1843. Lyman Draper (external link) lived for collecting old scraps of paper and information, that covered the 18th and 19th century America. He had this from Ghent.
The 1908 Carroll County Yearbook says that Ghent “has always been noted for its high educational attainments, and some of the best informed and brainiest people of Kentucky have their homes there.” “We learn, from the clerk of the mail boat, that Captain Cotter’s battery, which has been encamped near Louisville for some time past, left yesterday morning for Nolin [Ky., south of Elizabethtown].  We are also advised the mails to Ghent, Ky., have been suspended, because of the Secesh proclivities in that town.” From the Cincinnati Enquirer,  October 23, 1861

“Ghent, Ky., April 7th - The tobacco barn of Julius Inklie, containing two large crops - 1906 and 1907 - belonging to Inkie and three tenants, was burned by night riders.  Inklie had his interests pooled, but not so his tenants.” from Maysville's Daily Public Ledger, April 8, 1908

Read more about night riders and the Kentucky tobacco wars, here.

“A lively sensation was created last Friday evening by the educated bear kept at the buggy factory.  He got out of his cage and while passing J. K. Pope's store spied a hog and gave chase.  The hog ran into the meat shop and the bear pursued.  As soon as the bruin saw the fresh beef, he ceased pursuit.  He was got back to his cage with some difficulty, and has been docile ever since.  People along the street, especially the ladies in the millinery shop, enjoyed the scene with much zest.” from the Carrollton Democrat, September 14, 1878.
“Ghent – March 6, - The town board has  passed an ordinance requiring all persons  living within the corporation of this place  to be vaccinated. There are seven cases  of smallpox in Carrollton, eight miles below here. from the Williamstown Courier, March 9, 1898 “Warren Mitchell, one of the actors on Leon's Moral Sensation Show broke his leg while practicing on the  trapeze at Ghent last Friday.”  The Warsaw Independent, October 16, 1880.
“Articles of Incorporation were filed in this office October 29, 1897,by the “Ohio River, Cynthiana and Tidewater Railway.”  The road as projected will run from Ghent, Ky. through the counties of Carroll, Gallatin, Grant, Owen, Scott, Harrison, Nicholas, Bourbon, Montgomery, Powell and Estill to Irvine, a distance of about 100 miles.  Albert E. Rouse and Associates are the projectors.”  1897 report of the Railroad Commission of Kentucky
We recommend the detailed descriptions of the 1937 flood in Ghent that Bill Davis posted to the Gallatin Co. Genealogical mailing list. Read them here.
“A furious mad dog mad his appearance in the neighborhood of Ghent last Thursday causing considerable excitement for a few hours among the citizens. Before he could be killed, he had bitten several cattle and hogs, all the dogs he could find, and one little child. A stop was at last put to his career by shooting him. The dogs which he had bitten were also killed. The child was sent to Indianapolis, where there is a madstone.” Indianapolis Journal, June 18, 1873 And if you don't already know, by all means read about madstones. “San Francisco, Feb. 3.—Col. J. D. Fry, president of the California Safe Deposit and Trust company, ex-president of the Crown Point and Belcher mines, and one of the best known pioneers of 1849, died of grip today at his home in this city. He was born in Ghent, Ky., nearly eighty-two years ago. His estate was estimated to be worth about $2,000,000. He leaves a widow, a son, a step-son, F. J. Hay of Fresno, and a grandson.” Los Angeles Herald, February 4, 1901
Ghent man accused of killing Vevay's Oscar Leap. Lynch mob averted. Here. “A lady seventy years of age, now living in Ghent, was never on a steamboat, never in a city, and never saw a steam car[i.e. a train].”
Courier-Journal, February 9, 1875
“Ghent, Ky., opposite our town, is doing a heavy business this Spring shipping tobacco. Last week there were over fifty hogsheads shipped off, and this week the prospect is fair for a larger shipment. The most of this tobacco, however is raised in Owen county, and brought fifteen and twenty miles for shipment.” Indiana Reveille, Vevay, May 14, 1858

“A negro girl belonging to one Spicer of Ghent, Ky., painted herself white and otherwise disguised herself a few days since, and took passage on a ferry boat for Ohio. Before reaching the shore, her awkward actions led to a discovery, and the poor runaway was taken back to Kentucky.” Douglass' Monthly, October, 1859

The Daily Commonwealth, in Covington, carried these items from Ghent in 1883. The Black Diamond Railroad proposed to cross the river at Ghent.  More here.
The history of Ghent's Caby M. Froman Woman's Club is here. A mentally-ill slave child is sold in Ghent. What happens next is unbelievable. It's gruesome, like many, many, slavery stories. Here.
1862 Ghent slavery escape. Pilot Dufour stops by Ghent.
   Massive fire in 1915 in Ghent, Read about here and here. Ghent's Historical District was defined in 1983. Buildings are described individually in some detail in this pdf.
Ghent fire in 1929. Ghent citizens hang Kentucky Governor in effigy
The Ghent Herald changes hands. Ghent tollhouse attacked.
Ghent farmer advocates sheep.
FencingIndianapolis Journal, August 30, 1897 QuicksandGladwin County (MI) Record, August 9, 1895
CoalThe Maysville Public Ledger, December 13, 1916 eggsChicago Packer, March 29, 1913
Robert TurnerEvart (MI) Review, January 11, 1988.. We suspect the donation went to three white and one African-American churches. We don't believe there were ever four African-American churches in Ghent. BillsIndianapolis Journal, March 25, 1884. And no, there is no such thing as a $200 bill. Never was.
Boston Daily Advertiser, May 23, 1860
Maysville's Daily Public Ledger, December 9, 1901


Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky Ghent, Kentucky
“L. N. Craig and his dog Jux,
February 10, 1899. Taken in the
front yard of Monte Craig.”
Ghent's Attilla Cox Sim Dillard, Ghent.  Thought
to be a mail carrier


Ghent Brochure Ghent Brochure

A little Ghent history


Ghent, Kentucky
Ghent Poultry Show

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