
The Carrollton and Worthville Railroad
a.k.a., the C. & W., a.k.a., the Come and Wait, a.k.a., The Careworn and Worthless

Carrollton, Kentucky Carrollton, Kentucky
Engine Number 1, in “Carrolton” 
from the L&N Magazine, 1928
That's St. John's in the background
“The Greatest Little
Railroad Car in America”


Carrollton, Kentucky

That's the C. & W. R. R.'s first President, James Gayle
behind the controls of this jitney.  It made daily trips back and forth
between Carrollton and Worthville. carrying passengers, freight, and mail.



Carrollton Railroad #548


Worthville, ky

Carrollton Railroad #1882, 1956
From a Facebook post by Mason Reed of a C. Castner photo

Carrollton, Kentucky Carrollton, Kentucky Carrollton, Kentucky Carrollton, Kentucky
Engine 103 on the
 C. & W. R. R. Co.
Engine 938 on the
C. & W. R. R. Co.
Carrollton, #548
April 19, 1938
The L&N in Carrollton,
 circa 1945, #938


Carrollton R.R.

Carrollton and Worthville RR at the station


Worthville, ky

Fifth and Polk
From a Facebook post by Mandel Breeden


Polk Streetnew

Polk Street Scene


Carrollton, Kentucky Carrollton, Kentucky Offices Carrollton, Kentucky Carrollton, Kentucky

Carrollton Railroad
at Hill's Grocery

The Carrollton &
Worthville Railroad
L & N Offices at
Fifth and Polk, c. 1943
L & N Offices,
Fifth and Polk, c. 1962


Carrollton, Kentucky

The curvature of the track was too sharp for the locomotive to back in to Carrollton's furniture factory, so they had to add a few extra box cars to reach the cars on the back of the siding.  This is from a feature story on the Carrollton Railroad from 1943. The complete story is here (pdf).


Carrollton, Kentucky Carrollton, Kentucky
Locomotive (1943) and earlier
passenger car in Carrollton
The last steam engine
poses with the first diesel, 1957.


Butler Park

Leaving Carrollton, 1938

Carrollton, Kentucky

More detail on the Carrollton and Worthville Railroad than you likely wanted.

Carroll Line

The Railway and Locomotive Historical Society Bulletin ran a history (pdf) of the Carrollton Railroad by Kenneth E. Kipfer, in 1944.   The L&N Employee Magazine ran a feature (pdf) on Carrollton in May, 1962.

The Journal of the CSXT Historical Society had a full feature (pdf) on the Carrollton Railroad in 2014.
You can visit them at their web site.

And before there was the railroad, there were stage coaches. Read about them here.   The first phone call ever made from a train was from between Worthville and Carrollton.  It used “chemicalized steam.”  Story is here.
“Articles of Incorporation were filed at Carrollton last week, incorporating a company that proposes to build an electric line of railway from Warsaw to Milton and from Carrollton to English Station. The capital stock of the company is $50,000. The company also proposes to build a bridge over the Kentucky river at Carrollton.” Warsaw Independent, November 26, 1898

Worthville, ky

Pass for riding the Carrolton and Worthville
From a Facebook post by Nathan Bedford

Carroll Line