Schools of Erlanger, Kentucky

Erlanger, Kentucky, Schools Erlanger, Kentucky, Schools Erlanger, Kentucky, Schools
Public School Erlanger (note the
chicken in the fore ground)
High School, Erlanger

This nice line drawing of Erlanger's
Locust Street School is by Earl Tayce.
It was on Locust exactly opposite
Cowie Avenue.

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Fire at the Locust Street School, 1897.

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A brief history of the Erlanger schools ran in the Dixie News.  You can read it here. (pdf)

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Erlanger, Kentucky, Schools Erlanger, Kentucky, Schools
Erlanger PTA's
Minstrel Show
, (Wikipedia)

May Pole Celebration


Erlanger, Kentucky, Schools

Lloyd Memorial High School, 1942
Named for John Uri Lloyd, more about whom is here.

The Lloyd Memorial dedication story is here.



Lloyd Memorial High School cornerstone laid, 1919. Dedication, 1928.

Lloyd's school colors used to be black and gold, but between 1940-45, the band director, Louise Ewers, thought the colors blue and gold looked better, so she ordered the band uniforms those colors, and the colors stuck.

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We're indebted to the Erlanger Historical Society for many of the pictures you see here.  Thanks, folks.

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