left, Maysville Christian Church right, Maysville Baptist Church |
Protestant Episcopal Church and Rectory. The Oldest Church Building in Maysville with a continuous congregation |
Central and First Presbyterian Churches Central was where the Visitor Center is now. |
Third street Methodist Episcopal Church, 1910. A note on their 1910 pastor is here. |
left, The Methodist Episcopal Church, South right, The Methodist Episcopal Church |
Methodist Episcopal Church South, Maysville |
On August 31, 1845, a vote was taken at the Methodist Church. 109 voted for following the Southern, pro-slavery church, and 97 voted to remain with the current church. The two factions re-united in 1946. |
Seddon Methodist Church, c. 1958 from a Facebook post by Tom Roberson |
Seddon Methodist celebrates is 100th anniversary, here. |
Harvesting Home Decorations at the First
Methodist Episcopal Church in Maysville, 1905
First Presbyterian, Church, Maysville |
A brief bio of Rev. John Barbour, D. D., pastor of First Presbyterian in 1910 is here.
A few words on the history of the First Presbyterian church.
The 1869 dedication.
The new Presbyterian Church finished, 1859.
The church's web site has an extensive history of the church.
In 1855, a preacher speaks at the Presbyterian Church on The Temporal Power of the Pope Dangerous to the Religious and Civil Liberties of the American Republic. The 12 page screed is here (pdf). |
Central Presbyterian Church, Maysville |
Maysville's Churches, 1935 |
Bethel Baptist Church
Dedicated May 17, 1875
First Baptist Church | First Baptist Church, Maysville, 1928 |
First Baptist Church, Maysville, c. 1950 |
A brief bio of Rev. H. R. Arnold, pastor of First Baptist in 1910 is here.
A short history of Maysville Baptist is here.
Baptists authorized in 1825 by the Legislature.
German Lutheran Church, 1910. On West Second, near Short |
Church of the Nativity, 1910 History.(pdf) |
Scott's M. E. Chapel, 1910. A short piece on their pastor from 1910 is here. |
Inside the Church of the Nativity
Trinity Methodist, 1951 | Episcopal Parsonage |
A newspaper article on Maysville's Central Methodist Church is here.
“'The Mother of Churches,' historic Taylor Methodist Church, founded 14o years ago, will be dissolved August 23, 1942, and the present 109 year old church will be abandoned. . . .The church is in the district where the proposed floodwall is to be erected.” Louisville Courier-Journal, July 24, 1942. | |
“The new Presbyterian Church in Maysville, owned by the Assembly Division, was dedicated on Sunday. The church, though small, is very handsome, and cost $6,500.” Courier-Journal, March 26, 1869 | “The German Evangelical congregation of Maysville dedicated their new church on Sunday. The ceremonies were conducted by Rev. August Kimmel.” Courier-Journal, December 9, 1869 |
“The Methodist Church South, at Maysville, insured for $2,600, was destroyed by fire on Sunday night. The fire communicated from some shops that were adjoining, and which were also consumed.” Cincinnati Enquirer, January 3, 1852 | |
“The members of the Maysville District Camp-meeting Association will hold their first annual camp meeting, on their grounds, fourteen miles from Maysville and two miles from Burtonville, Lewis county, Ky., commencing Wednesday, August 19. The grounds consist of 20 acres of woodland, and will be put in as complete order as possible |
“The Christians and Methodists of Maysville are arranging for a discussion between Rev. Mr. Ditzler and some leading man from the Christian Church. Ten days are to be consumed by the debate.” Courier-Journal, February 17, 1873 |
Mob burns Maysville African-American Church in 1841. Sketchy details here. | |
A few words on the history of Bethel Baptist are here. | A brief History of Scott M.E. Church is here. (pdf) |
Christian Church, Maysville | Christian Church & Parsonage | ||
1947. Kids are identified here. |
c. 1910 | 1910 |
Maysville Christian Church
from A History of the Christian Church, Maysville,
Kentucky by Braden and Runyon, 1948
The first permanent home of the Christian Church was on West Third between Third and Fish (now Wall) Streets, and was built in 1836. By 1876, they needed a bigger building, and bought a home known as the Coburn Mansion, tore it down, and built the church shown above. It was dedicated in January 1887. |
“Two of our most highly respectable ladies, visited the Baptist church (white) last Sunday, and occupied one of the back seats. They had been seated only a few minutes when the sexton, who by the way was colored, was ordered to tell them they would have to vacate, which they did. Now the dirtiest ‘poor white trash’ in Maysville, smelling as they do, of the grease and dirt of the cotton factory, can occupy pews right up under the noses of the ‘white folks,’ and they grin and bear it; but when educated, refined and cleanly dressed colored people dare to occupy a back pew, they are very soon hoisted out; but this is the first offense of its kind, to which our people have been subjected to, and causes not a little comment.” From Indianapolis’ The Freeman, An Illustrated Colored Newspaper, May 2, 1891. |
The Maysville Church of Christ
A Walking Tour: Historical Churches of Maysville is here. (pdf)