
Falmouth, Kentucky Falmouth, Kentucky Falmouth, Kentucky
Booker & Humphrey Filling
Station, Cynthiana Pike
Bob's Service Station, c. 1938
Corner of Main & Second, Route 22
Bob Hampton owned it; Dick Jacob ran it.
Shell Station, 1973
Gene Faulkner, Carlis McDowell and Jim Morrison.

Shoemaker   Falmoiuth, Ky Shoemaker's
In front of Shoemaker Chevrolet, February 4, 1938 looking toward Shelby on Main  

Vernon M. Thomas stands behind a 1936 Chevrolet coupe in front of Shoemaker's Garage in, probably in the summer of 1936 or 1937. In the background is the competition:  the M.S. Myers Machine Shop & Garage, offering authorized Buick service.

  Shoemaker Garage employees
See this site for more details for more Details on Mr. Thomas



An early Applegate's
From a Facebook post by Greg Justice

Falmoiuth, Ky Lemmon's
Solomon Goldberg's Store.
Adults are Sol and Jenny, parents
of long-time Falmouth mayor Max Goldberg
from a Facebook post by Jackie Vaughn
R. W. Lemmon's Carriage Shop, c. 1910.
Later the site of Charles Lemmon's
Chrysler-Plymouth, now part of the Baptist
Church's parking lot.
from a Facebook post by R. W. Lemmon's great-grandson, Joe Lemmon


new Wilson's Wilson's
Roy Wilson's Dry Goods, 1927. Believed to be Falmouth
from the Facebook page of the Pendleton County Historical & Genealogical Society


Falmouth, Kentucky

The Ice Man, Ernest Franklin Sharp
from the Pendleton Co Picture Hub,
from Suzan Colbert Taylor

“Falmouth- Ky.-The Owenton & Williamstown Telephone Company has completed its line from Falmouth to Boyd, which gives Falmouth telephone connection with all the towns of central Kentucky.”  The Telephone Magazine, of October, 1901.

“Falmouth, Ky. - The Falmouth Electric Light and Motive Power Company has been incorporated, with a capital stock of $50,000.  J. C. Hamilton is one of the incorporators.”  from the weekly Light, Heat and Power, April 3, 1890.


Falmouth, Kentucky Falmouth, Kentucky Falmouth, Kentucky
Tobacco Coming to Market
 in Falmouth
Falmouth Carriage Shop
On Ferry St. (now 2nd St.), East of Main. Joe Lemmon tells us more.
Ladies Hats,
Falmouth, circa 1915


Watson's store is on the National Register of Historic Places. You can read the application, a pdf, here. The Central Falmouth business district, roughly bounded by Shelby, 2nd, Montjoy, and Main Streets, is also listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Here. And also here. Both are pdf's

Cincinnati Commercial, September 1, 1870


Falmouth Outlook Falmouth Outlook
Falmouth Outlook, 1922 Warren Shonert, long-time
publisher of the Outlook



Radio Business reports WIOK sale on January 30, 1987.
WIOK was first granted a license on April 26, 1978.


Bradford Thompson Woolery
George Bradford
Charles Thompson
J. B. Woolery
The above three banker pictures were accompanied by this story, about them,
and the banks in Falmouth they worked for.

Remember the Falmouth Branch of the Commonwealth of Kentucky Bank?
We thought not. There was one.

Details on the four locally owned Pendleton County Banks, in 1907, are here.

Falmouth, Kentucky



Falmouth, Kentucky
Citizens Bank Building on Shelby.
Later, The Falmouth Deposit Bank
  J. Risk Meek
We've known some bankers who were
meek at taking risks, but we never met
one who was named that.  c. 1903.

The Falmouth Pendleton Bank of Falmouth closed due to a run on the bank in 1931.  Story here

The Falmouth Deposit Bank was established in 1876.

Falmouth, Kentucky Falmouth, Kentucky Falmouth, Kentucky
Bank Notes from the First National Bank of Falmouth front back


25 cents

from the Falmouth Branch of the Bank of the Commonwealth, 1821


“The Pulltight Tattler is the name of a fast and loose paper which has made an appearance in Pendleton county, Kentucky.” Indianapolis News, October 3, 1874

Falmouth, Kentucky
The Weekly Guide was a pre-Civil Ware paper in Falmouth
Falmouth Saw Mill burns in 1909, read about it here. Description of Held's Bike & Jewelry Store, circa 1898, here.
“The Falmouth council has passed an ordinance closing all business houses on Sunday.”  Louisville Courier-Journal, May 28, 1882
“The distillery of Dr. McMahon, on main Licking, near Falmouth, in Pendleton county, was destroyed by fire on Tuesday morning about 1 o'clock. The fire was supposed to be the work of an incendiary.” from the Courier-Journal, January 20, 1870 In 1874 Falmouth is noted as having gone dry. In 1880, there are reports of 9 saloons open and more on the way. Stories here.
“The distillery of Dr. McMahon, on Main Licking, near Falmouth, in Pendleton county was destroyed by fire Tuesday morning about four o'clock.  The fire was supposed to be the work of an incendiary.”  the Carrollton Democrat, January 22, 1870 “The Falmouth Electric Light and Motive-Power Company, of Falmouth, Ky., has been incorporated with a capital stock of $30,000.  J. C. Hamilton, J. W. Thompson, J. N. Riggle and others incorporators.”
from an issue of Light, Heat and Power, April 3, 1890
newFalmouth distillery for sale, 1866.  
newThe Pendleton County Historical & Genealogical Society Quarterly Newsletter published this 1927 city directory of Falmouth.
“A young gentleman from the country, evidently of a sporting nature, walked into Mr. Smith’s blacksmith shop one day last week, and while standing near the anvil, upon which Mr. Smith was welding some iron, a spark, it is supposed, found its way into the side-pocket of his cot, setting fire to a quarter if a pound of gunpowder, which exploded with a terrific noise.  The force of the explosion, together with his own exertions, blew the young man about 20 feet in a very cunning position.  No serious injury.” From the Falmouth Independent, as reprinted in the Covington Journal, May 11, 1872


Falmouth, Kentucky Falmouth, Kentucky
Willie McGee, 1969, in the Kennett Tavern Building “The Trolley, Four Miles South of Falmouth, Kentucky on U.S. Highway 27.  We Specialize in Home Cooking.”
a.k.a. the Golden Rule Trolley, and run by N. S. and Goldie McKinley


Chili Palace Albert Plummer   Mazers Meat Market
Chili Palace Barber Albert Plummer   Mazer's. You more likely know it as Houchen's Meat Market
From Facebook post by Greg Justice


Tobacco Warehouse
From a Facebook post by the Pendleton County Historical and Genealogical Society


Schandling's Schandling's
Schanding's, a.k.a. Lakeside Inn, From a Facebook post by Greg Justice


Sawmill Sawmill Woolen Mill
Shoemaker Sawmill, c. 1890

The old blacksmith building at 2nd and Park
From a Facebook post by Greg Justice

Falmouth Woolen Mills
From a Pinterest post by Sharon Wolfe


1989 Flood Bridge
Water and Montjoy
From a Facebook post by Greg Justice
Boeher Motors sells Whippets at the Fair.
From a Facebook post by Greg Justice



From a Facebook post by Greg Justice


Butler Depot 

Roy M. Wilson's Dry Goods Store, 1927
From a Facebook post by Pendleton County Historical & Genealogical Society


Conrad's Falmouth, Kentucky Falmouth, Kentucky Moving
Carl M. Frazer's Buick dealership Main Street (Earlier, Shoemaker's. See above) Godman's Garage and Restaurant, US 27. The building was originally on W. Shelby and was moved when they put in the “new” 27. Missy Osborne tells us: “The original restaurant burnt and my grandfather purchased the lot and built the building shown above from the lumber from the two-room Mt. Auburn schoolhouse. The restaurant was moved to this location in the late 40’s.”


Conrad's Falmouth, Kentucky Conrad's Falmouth, Kentucky Conrad's Falmouth, Kentucky Conrad's Falmouth, Kentucky
Conrad's Hardware, earlier, Barnes Hardware
from Facebook posts by Greg Justice
Weaver's Supply and Feed, on Montjoy
from a Facebook post by Greg Justice
The Grand Opening of the Conrad and Barnes Furniture Store, 1960  


Falmouth, Kentucky

There's no doubt that somebody out there knows a lot more about
this one than than we do.  Feel free to contact us, or post information on our Facebook page.


Falmouth, Kentucky

This is an AP Wire photo of the 1964 flood in Falmouth.  Keep in mind that the dog is standing on top of an automobile.  Billy Thompson is the photographer. Warner's Store Garage on US 27 and Barkley St., later it became Pic-N-Pac

Journeymen Wanted

Want ad from 1814. 1814!
from the Union, a Washington, Kentucky newspaper, from July 2, 1814


Lemon Brothers

Lemon Brothers
From a Facebook post by Greg Justice


K. U.

Kentucky Utilities
From a Facebook post by Greg Justice


R. W. Lemmon and son Robert Wilburn Lemmon painting a 1921 (?) Buick Touring car owned by R. Risk Arnold. From a Facebook post by Fran Carr, via Joe Lemmon


Columbus Dodge
Both of these, the past and the future, next to each other, in the February 16, 1917 Falmouth Outlook.


Dodge Dodge Dodge Dodge
Studebaker's available at J. J. Austin's Pontiac's and Victory's at Lemmon's Garage


Dodge Dodge Dodge Chrysler
Booher's sells Whippets Shoemaker sells Chevy's Pendleton Auto sells Chryslers


“The second number of the first volume of the Pendleton Press, published in Falmouth, comes to
us this week. The paper is one of the largest in the State, and, if its future issues be as good as
the one front of us, it deserves encouragement from the citizens of Pendleton county.”
Courier-Journal, November 15, 1870


“J. R. Williams, who has purchased the Falmouth Guide, will change the name of the paper to the Pendletonian.”
Courier-Journal, February 28, 1898


“A new weekly paper,to be called The Falmouth Independent will be issued July 27th,
and every week thereafter, at Falmouth. Jas. A. Wondelohr is editor and proprietor. The Independent
will, as its name implies, be independent in all things” Courier-Journal, July 21, 1871


Woolen Mill Woolen Mill new

Woolen Mill
From a Facebook post by Greg Justice

Fisher's Opens
From a Facebook post by Greg Justice



Fisher's Motel
From a Facebook post by Lisa Arnold


Falmouth, Kentucky Falmouth, Kentucky Falmouth, Kentucky
Fishers Motel Fishers Motel and Restaurant
The restaurant to this motel was
later named the “Stop and Tell.”  It and
the motel were both torn down
 in September of 1993.
Fishers Garage & Chevrolet Dealership
US 27 in Falmouth


Falmouth, Kentucky Falmouth, Kentucky
An ad for Falmouth's Weekly Guide, from 1885.
“Independent in All things; neutral in nothing”
Attorney's envelopes, c. 1894
Lithography was more artistic
before they invented computers . . .


Jefferson House
from the Covington Journal, October 27, 1848



Phoenix Hotel
from the Facebook page of the Pendleton County Historical & Genealogical Society


Falmouth had three hotels in the 1930's - the Phoenix, the LLL, and Shelby. Each had about 16 rooms.
The end of the Kennett Hotel.
The Koch Hotel was torn down in 1964. Story's here.   (pdf) Read about Falmouth's Phoenix Hotel, here.  (pdf)

Later, there was the Dixie A Hotel. Greg Justice tells us more (pdf).


Falmouth Slots

The Kefauver Report (pdf), from the United States Senate Special Committee to Investigate Crime in Interstate Commerce reprinted a list the Cincinnati Post compiled of all of the illegal gambling machines it found in Northern Kentucky. This is Falmouth's.
