A group from the Christian Church on retreat
identity of persons in the photo, here.
1951-1952, names here; | 1948, names here. |
Walton Verona Basketball Teams
Girls from a Walton softball team
from the left, Jackie Code, Nellie Lunsford, Carol Demoisey, and Eloise Arnett
Walton Baseball Team
1929 Boone Co League Champions
Personnel here.
1940's Walton Baseball
From a Facebook post by Mark Butler
Folks in front of Benny Elliott's hardware and dry goods store, 1943. People in the photo identified here, | Boys in front of Walton High School on North Main, 1943. Folks in the photo here. |
Memorial Day Parade |
Memorial Day Parade |
In front of Ryan's Hardware |
Memorial Day Parade at Church and Main. From a Facebook post by Hettie Skeeter Taylor Cheeseman |
Just north of Ryan's Hardware & Implement
Folks we can identify in the picture are
ULH&P Employees
In back of the Walton Garage
A close up of the guys is here.
A list of the guys is here.
Alberta Groger, left, and Mildred Cleek, 1973,
in front of Otis Readnour's Coal and Feed on South Main
From a Facebook post by Barbara Groger Keller
Carolers Folks we can identify in the picture are here. |
Old Fashioned Day Identities |
Walton Verona Band Marches Down Church Street, Memorial Day Parade Folks we can identify in the picture are here. | Employees of Dixie State Bank At the first Old Fashioned Day. Folks we can identify in the picture are here. |
Old Fashioned Day in front of Brakefields's Drug Store Folks we can identify in the picture are here. |