fort thomas streets    

Fort Thomas Fort Thomas

City Building & Fire Department
In the  May 17, 1999 Kentucky Post, Jim Reis notes this building was built around
 1885, cost $8,000, and served as a school, as well as the city building. It sat on the same
 site as the current city building in Ft. Thomas, and was razed in 1967. The front of the
 building (street side) is on the left side of these pictures.


Ft. Thomas Ft. Thomas
City Hall. Note the old fire engine in the b&w image, put out to pasture as a plaything for kids. Before it was city hall, it was the original high school. Not called Highlands, but Central High. From a Facebook post by Bev Achzehner Harber

In 1916, Fort Thomas got a new “fire auto”.

In 1917, they got a fire department.


Ft. Thomas March

Clicking on this one gets you a pdf of the sheet music.


Fort Thomas Fort Thomas

The Garbage Collectors of Fort Thomas, before and after


newCentral Bridge

Fort Thomas Scene painted by Bill Gregory
From a Facebook post by Bev Achsehner Harber


Press Club Trolley new
Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, August 12, 1894 Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, August 12, 1894  


Fort Thomas Fort Thomas Fort Thomas Fort Thomas
Ft. Thomas, The Midway, 1908
Interesting trivia on card on left is here.
Fort Thomas Avenue,
Looking North from in front of
Dietrich's Club House
Fort Thomas & Grand Avenues


Highland Park

The original plan for Highland Park was more ambitious than what was created.
from the Kentucky Post, October 12, 1934


Fort Thomas Fort Thomas
Klainecrest at Grand,
Fort Thomas
The Minshall farm, looking south,
from near Klainecrest and Grand;
note the streetcar tracks.
from a Facebook post by Cathy Martin

Campbell Frill Line

There was some discussion about whether to name the town Fort Thomas or Highlands.


“Newport – John Meyer, a teamster in the employ of Peter Young, dairyman, was killed yesterday afternoon by the upsetting of a slop wagon which he was driving on Highland Avenue, about two miles from this city.  His team ran away, and in trying to stop the horses he was thrown to the ground with the wagon on top of him.” From the Commonwealth, December 13, 1877


Cake Eaters.


Grand Avenue was named after the Grand Army of the Republic.

Campbell Frill Line

Fort Thomas, Kynew

Downtown in the snow, c. 1950
From a Facebook post by Lori Basham Voss


newFort Thomas, Ky

Fort Thomas Streetcar
from Dave Buchanan and the Knapp-Behman Archive

Where is this scene?

Fort Thomas
Looking northerly from the mess hall, toward S. Ft. Thomas Ave. Think of it as looking up Rossmore toward the Avenue.
And thanks to Brian Bolland for identifying the location for me. 


Fort Thomas

The Masonic Building
Fort Thomas Lodge F. & A. M. No. 808

The lodge was organized at the Central School House, at Mt. Pleasant & Bluegrass
 on March 30, 1908, and the first meeting at their new temple was on
December 27, 1909.  It cost $5,747.04.  The rejected an offer for it
from “the Presbyterians” in 1925 for $15,000.

Campbell Frill Line

Fort Thomas Fort Thomas Fort Thomas Fort Thomas
Fort Thomas
Business District
Fort Thomas
Business District
Fort Thomas Business
 District, 1948


Fort Thomas

The omnibus Highland Chief, c. 1880. Thomas McDonald operated it between Newport and the Highlands. That's the Heidelberg Inn in the background, in Southgate, where St. Terese now sits.


Fort Thomas Fort Thomas
The Avenue, c. 1970
From a Facebook post by Don Prather
Hanging out in front of Schulker's, 1936


Masonic Temple

Never built Masonic Temple for Fort Thomas
Architect C. C. Weber's drawing


Fort Thomas Fort Thomas
The Business District,
from Fort Thomas Matters, a blog of all things Fort Thomas
On the Avenue


Bonnie Lane

To most people, this is a picture of a cute little girl. To us, it's a picture of Maple Lane, a dirt road with a rock sidewalk, that you now know as Bonnie Lane. Why the name change? That's Bonita Frentzel in the picture, and we'll let her tell the tale.


Highland and Grand Highland and Grand
Highland and Grand
from Facebook posts by Bev Achzehner Harber


Fort Thomas Fort Thomas Fort Thomas

Street Scenes, Kentucky Highlands, Fort Thomas, KY


Fort Thomas Fort Thomas Fort Thomas
Fort Thomas VFD, 1929
Fort Thomas VFD,1941,
personnel detailed here.
District of the Highlands VFD
“The Chemical Wagon”


Fort Thomas
Looking from Grandview towards the YMCA
note the street car turning around, just this side of what most of you will recognize as the Blue Marble Bookstore, but which earlier generations will remember as the Streitman Sweet Shoppe, recipient of more than one Woodfill student's lunch money.


Museum Museum Museum Museum
Be sure to visit the Fort Thomas Military and Community Museum. They're also on the web.


Fort Thomas St. Stevens Fort Thomas
Alexandria Pike at Hawthorne
June 28, 1929
St. Steven's Cemetery Chapel, c. 1910
June 28, 1929
Ft. Thomas
Avenue and US 27


C.N.C. C.N.C.
Trolley turns around. Across from the YMCA in Fort Thomas


Fort Thomas Fort Thomas Fort Thomas
Post Office construction
From a Facebook post by Dave Newman
The New Post Office, 1941
The cornerstone was
 laid on April 27, 1940.

Fort Thomas Fort Thomas Fort Thomas
Street Scene, 1929 Street Scene in Fort Thomas We know this scene today
 as the Memorial Parkway


St. Nicholas

St. Nicholas Place, named for Santa Claus and a hotel.
The Catholic Telegraph, June 29, 1910


Air Force Captain Joseph Shaw Ross Fort Thomas Fort Thomas

This is the Joe Ross Bridge, across I-471, and its plaque.
Air Force Captain Joseph Shaw Ross's (January 26, 1943 - August 1, 1968 ) plane went down in Vietnam.
The body was not recovered. Read more at this site.
The image of Capt. Ross is from a Facebook post by Wayne Hetteberg


Fort Thomas Fort Thomas

Jack “Bullett Jack” Thoney
Major League Baseball Player from Fort Thomas
You can find his career stats at this site.

Campbell Frill Line

Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, August 2, 1903


Fort Thomas was created by the consolidation of three communities - Dale, to the south of the Fort, Guyville to the north, and the Fort itself. The community voted to name itself Fort Thomas in 1914.
1896 prize fight organized in Newport moves to Fort Thomas. Well, they tried to. Here. A 1926 history of the Fort Thomas Women's Club is here.
The District of the Highlands was incorporated by An Act the Kentucky Legislature in 1867. Evidently, the boundaries defined caused some discussion, as evidenced by this Act one year later, by this Act two years later, and later, a revised Act.
1895 fire on the Midway, here. Raid at a Midway “rag-time joint.”

Mt. Pleasant residents form a home guard in 1861.

In 1950, the Courier-Journal ran a feature story on Fort Thomas. You can read it here.
Cock fight in Fort Thomas, 1892,  here. You can tour Fort Thomas at this website.
newFort Thomas pitches in to help in the 1937 flood, here and here.
newC. B. Truesdale writes about Fort Thomas history, and about peoples' ignorance of their history.(pdf)
newFort Thomas Baptists start urban myths about Catholics.
Did you know there was a Fort Thomas in Arizona? (Wikipedia) Dispute over building the Highlands / Fort
Thomas Post Office, 1894, here.
A description of Fort Thomas in 1914, when they're trying to become a city. Here. Morehead has this (pdf) history of Fort Thomas from the WPA.
“A few days ago a large oiled-paper balloon gracefully swept down upon the meadows at Mrs. Cumming's, at Highlands, four miles from Newport, Ky.  An examination revealed the legend 'Carrie Lente, East New York, Long Island,' in a lady's chirography.”  from the New York Times,  July 22, 1883
“Fort Thomas- City Council passed and ordinance regulating the grade of milk to be sold in the city.  The measure provides that a milk inspector employed by the Campbell County Milk Committee be empowered to inspect dairies and distribution centers furnishing milk to the city, and upon his approval, a permit will be granted to the respective dairyman.  Only pasteurized, certified, and Grade A milk will be permitted to be sold under the requirements of the ordinance.”  From The  Kentucky City, May, 1935
Anybody ever heard of Weierick Avenue in Fort Thomas?  Why we think there was one. A 1970 study gave the chronological history of Fort Thomas, here. (pdf)
“An enormous mudcat, measuring five feet in length and weighing 100 pounds, was fished out of the reservoir at Newport, Ky., a few days since.  This is something out of the ordinary in the way of a fish story.”  from the Engineering News Record, 1880
Remember when they drove Elmore's, Fords,  and Herreshoff's in Fort Thomas?  Fort Thomas Auto Registrations, 1910 and 1911, are here. Covert Run controversy, 1924.
Fort Thomas “dis-annexes” part of Alexandria Pike because they didn't want to pay for the road. Covert Run toll road authorized in 1870.
C. B. Truesdale compiled a legal and incorporation history of Fort Thomas.  You can read it here (pdf). His cover letter, almost as long, is here (pdf) . The City of Fort Thomas' 1960 Annual Report.  Don't miss the comparisons on page 7.  Here. (pdf)


Fort Thomas, KY Fort Thomas, KY Fort Thomas, KY
The city's 1961 Annual Report Who's who in government Police & public safety

The 1973 Annual Report is here. (pdf)

Dollie Dimples Dollie Dimples

Fort Thomas' Dollie Dimples. Details.



Centennial Week parade of old cars, June, 1967


Mt. Vernon Road
Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, April 1, 1859. Mt. Vernon is an earlier name for a Fort Thomas neighborhood.


Aerial of Fort Thomas

Represented to us as Fort Thomas


new75 Years

Fort Thomas celebrates it's 75th Anniversary in 1942 by honoring long time residents E. K. Taliaferro and his sister Mrs. Mary Ives. Why they published the story with a giant picture of Dr. Raymond Walters, a speaker on the occasion, instead of the Taliaferrro's, we don't know.


Fort Thomas Fort Thomas Fort Thomas
1883 Map of
 Highlands Area
Map of the Fort Thomas
by census tracts, 1940
Fort Thomas, 1937. 
The brown area to the left
is the extent of the '37 flood

Campbell Frill Line

“The police of Fort Thomas are to be commended in their effort to stop speeding on the streets of Fort Thomas.  Three children have lost their lives in the last 18 months. One child has been severely injured - this child happened to be the child of one of the policemen.  The speed limit in the city proper is 15 miles in the congested district and 20 miles on all streets in the city.  This safety measure is being rigidly enforced.  Signs have been placed in the city limits warning the people of the speed law.”  from Motour, June, 1930.


Harrison Herms Harrison Herms Harrison Herms Harrison Herms
This is Harrison Herms (1889-1965), thought to be Fort Thomas' first motorcycle cop. From a Facebook posts by Jim Hedger.


General Thomas
General George Thomas, after whom Fort Thomas is named. His Wikipedia page is here.

Campbell Frill Line

Fort Thomas

There is a class of old postcards that has a town name printed on a generic scene.  Dozens of town names could be and were printed on the bottom of the image, and the scenes were generic enough to be pseudo-plausible.  It's a very long shot that this is actually Fort Thomas, regardless of what it says on the card.

Campbell Frill Line