ohio river scenes
1883, 1884, 1907, and 1913

1883 Flood Flood Scene Flood Scene
1883 Flood, pic details here. 1883 1884 Flood, here.

  These may be the rarest of the Carroll County images.

carroll line

“A dispatch received here states that Carrollton and Milton, Ky., at the mouth of the Kentucky River, have several feet of water in their streets, and that the Cincinnati and Louisville packet steamer General Lytle landed in the streets of Carrollton to-day.”   from the New York Times, February 20, 1882

carroll line

A brief item about pre-1883 floods.

“Carrollton, Ky., - The water at this place is about six inches higher than the high water of 1832 and 1847.  That part of the town next to the Kentucky River is all under water, which extends back nearly three squares. In many places you can just see the roofs of the houses.  The people have all moved out, and the flood territory looks most desolate.  Should the wind rise great destruction would certainly be the result.  All the business houses on Main street next [to] the river are filling with water in the basements.  Both the Ohio and Kentucky rivers are rising rapidly, and business is very dull.”    from Cloverport, Kentucky's Breckinridge News, February 28, 1883

Brief account of the 1883 flood in Carrollton here, and here.

1883 Flood, from Aurora to Madison

Newspaper article on the 1884 Flood in Carrollton, here; the follow up story's here.

A short article on the 1884 flood in Carrollton here, and in Vevay, here.

carroll line

Flood Scene Flood Scene Flood Scene
1907 or 1913 Flood Panorama of Carrollton
 in the 1907 Flood
 High Water in 1907


Flood Scene   Pay attention here.  It's the 1907 Flood, but that's the Island Queen through the trees. You can see the lady on the site of the Queen's side just beyond, and a little to the left of the men with the crossed sticks. Her smokestacks can be seen just right of center. Here's a better pic of the Island Queen to compare. She's docked in the Kentucky River to keep her out of the debris in the main channel brought by the flood.


Flood Scene
1907 Flood
“This photograph from the 1907 flood was taken from the Kentucky River bridge at Carrollton. The burned building is facing First Street, which runs under the bridge close to the Kentucky River. Two doors beyond that is a two-story brick house that faces Main Street. The 2½ story building in the distance to the right is The National Hotel, also on Main Street, standing where the playground at Point Park is now located. This same view today would show nothing but park structures and empty grounds.” - Bill Davis


Flood Scene
Flood Scene, likely 1913 or 1907


Lorilard Flood Scene Flood Scene
Lorillard, 1913 Carrollton in the 1913 Flood
(near 2nd and Main)
Lower Main Street, 1913 Flood
(near 3rd and Main)

newAn account of the 1913 flood in Carrollton.

Flood Scene

Flood Scene

Flood Scene

Scenes from the 1913 Flood


37 flood

Flood, March 24, 1933

carroll line