
Glencoe, Kentucky Cruich Lumber Glencoe, Kentucky
The O. P. Morton Lumberyard,
later owned by W. P. Crouch
W. P. Crouch and Son
ad from April, 1925
Glencoe Tobacco Warehouse
located across the street from
 where Crouch Gas used to be


Crouch Lumber Invoice, 1952
The handwriting is that of Ms. Clarice Courtney Alcorn


Glencoe, Kentucky

Clover Farm Store

Thanks to Cheryll Black Obendorf for the shot above.  She tells us it's the C. N. Black & Sons Clover Farm Store in Glencoe, c. 1940. “My grandfather, Charles Newton Black, and his sons, Charles Cecil (my dad) and Marvin Lee, were the proprietors. They also ran a huckster route throughout Gallatin County.”


Glencoe, Kentucky

Looking North on Rt. 16
Poland's Grocery on the left; Glencoe Bank on right

Glencoe, Kentucky Glencoe, Kentucky Glencoe, Kentucky
Thought to be Jack Miller's Store Edd Wilson
Across from the Christian Church
Jones Drug Store
corner of Howard & Rt. 16

gallatin line

newGlencoe Hotel
Carrollton Democrat, September 25, 1875


The news from Glencoe, in 1875, here.     The news from Glencoe, in 1879, here.     The news from Glencoe, in 1881, here.
newThe Enquirer answers questions about Glencoe in 1877 newGlencoe is a “town of note.”
newLegislature passes this concerning Glencoe toll roads.    

gallatin line

Glencoe, Kentucky Glencoe, Kentucky
Glencoe Depot
Elzie Ross's Hardware and
Kinney's Store on the right
Glencoe Depot, 1914


Glencoe, Kentucky Glencoe, Kentucky
The Glencoe School, 1918 The Graded School, 1920 


Glencoe, Kentucky Glencoe, Kentucky
Glencoe School, Sunday afternoon,
January 30, 1955
On the same site as the building at
 the right.  Fire story here.
New Glencoe School, just
 before opening, 1957


Glencoe, Kentucky

Glencoe Basketball Team
Team members listed here


Glencoe, Kentucky

The Glencoe Baptist Church 
located across the railroad from what we remember as the Crouch Gas Service
 Thanks! to Terry Combs Caldwell for the image

Maureen McKinney's History of Glencoe Baptist is here. (pdf)

Glencoe Baptist
from the Boone County Recorder, August 10, 1898

“The Baptist Association Meeting at Glencoe, Wednesday and Thursday, was largely attended, it being estimated that there were 3,000 people here Thursday.” from the Warsaw Independent, as reprinted in the Boone County Recorder, September 9, 1896

The 400+ page journal of the minutes of the “Glencoe Baptist Church of Christ,” January 11, 1878 - November, 1956, are available for your viewing on microfilm at the library in Covington. The first entry of that journal is here (pdf).

Glencoe, Kentucky Glencoe, Kentucky Glencoe, Kentucky
Interior of Glencoe Bank, 1926 Bank of Glencoe Receipt, 1904 Joseph L. Hendrix,
Glencoe Banker,
from Fetter's Notable Men of Kentucky, 1901

“A new bank (the People's) has been started in Glencoe with sixty stockholders, all but
 three of whom are residents of the community.  This is the second bank for the neighboring
 town.  W. E. Sullivan, son-in-law of Capt. DeJarnette, is cashier of the older one.” 
Williamstown Courier, March 30, 1905

Glencoe, Kentucky Glencoe, Kentucky Glencoe, Kentucky Glencoe, Kentucky Glencoe, Kentucky
The Bank of Glencoe, 1907, 1897 The Peoples Deposit Bank
of Glencoe, 1914
The Union Bank of Glencoe Farmers State Bank, Glencoe Branch
The Glencoe Bank was bought, sold, and merged;  there were never 4 different banks, at once, in Glencoe.

“A new bank has been organized at Glencoe.  Dr. O. B. Yager was elected
President, J. J. Kemper, First Vice-president; M. H. Richards, Second Vice-
president.  The cashier will be elected later.  A new building will be erected at once.”
 from the Owenton News-Herald, April 27, 1905


Glencoe, Kentucky

The Black Family of Glencoe
Thanks to David Webb for this one


Glencoe, Kentucky Glencoe, Kentucky Glencoe, Kentucky

Glencoe Hotel, a.k.a. the
Arch Maddox Home


Home of former Glencoe
Postmistress Julia W. Garvey


Glencoe, Kentucky
Glencoe, Kentucky Glencoe, Kentucky Glencoe, Kentucky
Dr. O. B. Yeager Home, that's his office on the far left Poland's Grocery is to the right (out of the image)
Crouch /Howard Farm, c. 1913
Where Heritage Hills is now, on Johnson Road. Who are the folks in the pic?  Here
House #126, from the 1913 Sears & Roebuck House catalog, says one like this is in Glencoe. Cost? $814.
Glencoe, Kentucky Glencoe, Kentucky Glencoe, Kentucky
Home of Joseph Hendrix
corner of 127 & the Folsom Road
That's Joe & his wife Nannie on the porch
Rider Home, Glencoe Eagle Valley, Glencoe, KY, 1911

 gallatin line

Glencoe, Kentucky

Glencoe Christian sponsors a supper, featuring such delicacies as  . . . bananas?

Raymond Lewis' history of the Glencoe Christian Church is here.

gallatin line

You can read about the time President Ulysses S. Grant came to Glencoe, here.

gallatin line

Cincinnati Enquirer, July 8, 1880

Timetable for the L&N at Glencoe, 1879, here. "The principal staple of Glencoe seems to be fighting whiskey." - Carrollton Democrat, October 8, 1874 1,500 attend the 1905 CSA reunion in Glencoe, here.
1889 train wreck near Glencoe, here. Glencoe was officially established as a town on February 23, 1876 The Boone County Recorder reports Glencoe has a “dull appearance.”
A history of Glencoe is here. Kentucky legislature says Glencoe is on the wagon, here.
“Tilman Gilpin is burning a fine kiln of brick at Glencoe. He thoroughly understands the business and the brick will be found to be as good as can be obtained anywhere.” Warsaw Independent, May 24, 1902
Glencoe news from the Boone Co. Recorder in 1879, here. “The Masons of Glencoe will have their hall ready to celebrate on the 24th of June, and will have a celebration on that date.” Courier-Journal, March 3, 1871 The poem, Glencoe Girls, here.
James Dorman was born on Eagle Hill above Glencoe in 1831. You can read his account (pdf) of his life.
A few news items from Glencoe, 1883, here. A gold nugget found in Glencoe, 1902, here. Ole Glencoe, poetry from Ernestine Lear, here.
newEagle Creek floods. Railroad accident kills 2 in 1881.  
newThe Glencoe Gas and Oil Company drills a “splendid well.”
In the first World War, Glencoe's Sgt. Otto Gullion, 83rd Company, Sixth Marines,  was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, for “Extraordinary heroism in action near Bayonville, France, November 1, 1918.  Exposing himself to enemy fire, Sergeant Gullion advanced ahead of his platoon into a ravine and captured, single-handed, a German officer and four men.”
“A schoolhouse is to be built at Glencoe, in the [illeg] with a Masonic hall over it. The fraternity are in a prosperous condition there. Although they had to get a dispensation to work, they have some twenty-five good members.” Courier Journal, February 21, 1870 Murder on the croquet court, here.


Fires in Glencoe:

new1878 Fire
The Cincinnati Enquirer, January 15,1887
1878 Fire ruins mill, here 1885 Fire in Glencoe, here. 1886 Fire in Glencoe, here
“Glencoe has had her third fire in little over a year.  This time, burning over half the town; to wit, Dr. Foster's residence, Mr. Noel's tobacco barn and out buildings, Thomas Stewart's residence, and Al Kemper's stable.  The total losses amount to $8,000, with insurance covering $2500.” From the Owenton Democrat, November 11, 1886.
1932 Fire in Glencoe, here, and here Fire at Glencoe Stock Yards, here 1955 Fire in Glencoe, here

gallatin line

The Poplar Grove to Glencoe Turnpike was authorized in 1875.

“The citizens of Glencoe and vicinity are highly elated over the success of their efforts to obtain a pike from this place through Owen county, intersecting the Owenton and Sparta Pike.  Emboldened by their success in this undertaking, they have organized a meeting for taking steps to procure a pike from here to Sugar Creek.  If this later scheme proves as successful as the former, then indeed, the citizens of Glencoe may expect better times.  There would then be no idle clerks lying around on the counters, sighing for customers, for they would be as busy as the barkeepers now are.”From the Daily Commonwealth, February 4, 1879


The Daily (New Orleans) Picayune, February 23, 1897

gallatin line