
Carrollton, Kentucky Carrollton, Kentucky Carrollton, Kentucky
First National Bank H. M. Winslow, Pres.,
Carrollton National Bank
Carrollton National Bank

The Carrollton National Bank - not to be confused with the First National Bank of Carrollton - went into receivership on April 25, 1934.

Currency Currency
  1903 1909
FNB Carrollton FNB Carrollton FNB Carrollton
1902, front and back. Who's the guy (Wikipedia) in the picture? 1929
Carrollton, Kentucky FNB Carrollton FNB Carrollton
1921 1875 1902
Bank notes from First National Bank of Carrollton. Why is a bank issuing its own money?!? Wikipedia tells you here.


Carrollton, Kentucky Carrollton, Kentucky Carrollton, Kentucky
Perry Dean,
Kentucky State Bank
Ernest Lewelyn Fred Oney, First National
 Bank of Carrollton

The news story of when Oney took over from Lewellyn is here.

The earliest bankers named here.

carroll line

newArrests made in Civil War bank robbery in Carrolton.
"A few days ago Bank examiner Sanders, as is is wont, dropped quietly in at the Carrollton, Kentucky National Bank and began an investigation.  Yesterday he filed his report with the proper authorities in Covington, and what it contained is known only to himself and perhaps is present custodian.  The contents, however, may be surmised when it is known that since Mr. Sander's appearance at the bank, it's gentlemanly cashier, Mr. J. N. Vance, has disappeared, and the rumor has gained credence that $5,000 of the bank's funds has disappeared with him."  Cincinnati Enquirer, September 18, 1888.     More Here.
Carrollton Bank Robbery, August 20, 1863, here One of the 1863 bank robbers caught? Here.
“The Bank Directors have decided upon locating their banking house on the upper end of R. P. Butler’s lot, on High between Fifth and Sixth streets.  The building has been contracted for, at $3,000, and the work is to be speedily commenced.”  from the Carrollton’s Daily Mirror, April 10, 1852. "It is reported here to-day that the Carrollton National Bank, formerly Howe's of Carrollton, Ky., was closed by the Examiner last night in consequence of an unsatisfactory financial showing.  Cashier Vance is asserted to be $5,000 short."  New York Times, September 17, 1888

The Banks of Carroll County, in 1910.

carroll line

Carrollton, Kentucky Carrollton, Kentucky
1970 1971

The Kentucky State Bank

Kentucky State Bank incorporation application (pdf), with a stockholder's list, from 1934.

Peoples Building and Loan Association chartered in 1876, here.

carroll line