

New subdivision comes to Milldale, 1890
from the Kenton County Library's Faces and Places Collection


Latonia, Kentucky 

1.  Somewhere in Latonia, 1927.  If you can help on the exact location, please email us.
2.  Note that what is a boring picture of nothing, can, 100 years later, be a intriguing shot.


Eighth District

Eight District School
We added a red line on Locke, a blue line on 38th, and a green line on Winston to orient you.
From a Facebook post by Chris Brooks


Eighth District

Winston Park
Kentucky Post, August 8, 1946


Latonia, Kentucky Latonia, Kentucky Latonia, Kentucky

Public School
Lock and Golding  (now 38th) Streets
In 1909, it became Covington's Eighth District School

Clifton Avenue School


Latonia, Kentucky Latonia, Kentucky Coppins Mansion
Ninth District School,  c. 1960, and the Coppin Mansion at Lake View Park (see map at top of page). The school was built on the site of the Coppin Mansion.  Dave Dressman gives us details on the location. Coppin's was a major Covington department store.  See it here.


Latonia, Kentucky Latonia, Kentucky

Coppin's Lake in Latonia,
sketch by E. T. Hurley
from a 1919 book of sketches
by Hurley, with texts by
James Green. You can read
Green's text to this picture here.

Coppin's Lake in Latonia,
 another sketch by E. T. Hurley



Coppins Lake

Coppin Lake was in Lake View Park (ad above), a real estate development by the Coppins and Motches families,


Latonia, Kentucky Latonia, Kentucky Latonia, Kentucky

Rail Road and Street Car Arch between
 Covington and Latonia, c. 1910

A later street car, the #6 Rosedale,
 at 40th and Huntington, 1937


Latonia, Kentucky Frisch's Licking River
WPA Project Paves
Latonia Avenue, c. 1934
Green Line in Latonia,
Turning from Latonia Avenue to Rt. #17
The Licking River at Rosedale, c. WWI


Dayton, Kentucky Beaches Rosedale Pool
At the Rosedale pool, 1940's Rosedale Pool, 1950's
From a Facebook post by Lori Crump


Latonia, Kentucky Banklick Creek Banklick Creek
Wooden Bridge over Bank Lick Creek, Latonia Banklick, 1911

1937 Flood
Cincinnati Enquirer, January 23, 1937


Latonia, Kentucky
Latonia, Kentucky Latonia, Kentucky
Confluence of Bank Lick
and the Licking River,
c. 1910
Bank Lick Creek, from
Collins History of Kentucky
The 1930 Strategic
Plan for Covington
a park for “the 28th
Street Hollow.”


Ritte's Corner

Ritte's Corner, 1935

There are two applications for putting the Ritte's Corner District on the National Register of Historic places, complete with photo's, history, and maps. One's from 1987, the other from 2000. Both pdf's.


Latonia, Kentucky

Latonia, Kentucky

Latonia, Kentucky

Ritte's Corner, Bird
Building, 1930
Latonia Deposit Bank,
Bird Building, c. 1916
Ritte's Corner

Read more on Ritte's Corner, here.

Who was Ritte?  Find out here.


Latonia, Kentucky Latonia, Kentucky
Eagle Scouts from
Latonia at camp, 1947
Fishing Camp,
Licking River, Latonia


Latonia, Kentucky
Caroline Avenue Underpass Opened September 19, 1931.
There was, literally, dancing in the street.  The story is here.



Seventh Sons Motorcycle Club Clubhouse

Gang fight. Girl shot at clubhouse Enforcer killed The enforcer Clubhouse explosion


Latonia, Kentucky Latonia Terrace
Latonia Terrace, 1949. They were built in the late 30's as part of FDR's New Deal. That area of Latonia was called Latonia Terrace since at least 1913, the year the area was annexed by Covington.   Latonia Terrace Residents in the late 1940's From a Facebook post by Brian Fuller



Latonia Girl Scout Troop, 1926
From a Facebook post by Pam Day Smith, who identifies her Mother, Elizabeth McEndre as the girl in the front row with no tie.

Banklick Creek
Pam Day Smith posted this one on Facebook, and tells us it was at 3720 Tibbatts Street, owned by her great grandparents, John and Olivia McEndre, and served as a boarding house for those visiting at the race track


Covington, Kentucky

From the City of Covington's Strategic Plan from 1930, to illustrate the problem of garages in front of houses. We couldn't find it. But architect Warren LeMay came to our rescue: The picture “shows two Sears kit houses in the background at a slight angle to the street, with both houses being the gable dormer variant of the popular “Marina" model. These houses are still standing at 4107 and 4105 Decoursey Avenue in Latonia, which have had their windows and siding replaced, and the house in the middle of the photo still has its concrete block piers below the wooden columns on the front porch. The wooden garage shown on the left in the image has been replaced with a concrete block structure at 4113 Decoursey Avenue, which has the same footprint as the wood-frame garage with metal siding that is in the photo. This unique arrangement of two houses of that particular Sears model only exists in this one location within Covington.”


 Latonia, Kentucky

“Aunt Mae's in Latonia”
If you know more, please click the “contact us” at the bottom of the page.


Latonia Latonia, Kentucky Latonia, Kentucky
Southern Avenue,
at Ritte's Corner
Decoursey, East from Main Street, 1912 Decoursey Avenue, Latonia

kenton line

“'The Flats' is a piece of unoccupied land of considerable extent, lying just south of Covington, where base-ball and other 'sinful games' are regularly played upon Sundays, in palpable defiance of the law, and to the horror of religiously inclined people living in the neighborhood.  It is notorious for the disorderly behavior of its hebdomadal [i.e., weekly] visitants, and has furnished a frequent topic for newspaper animadversion [strong criticism].”
 The Lounger, a Covington newspaper, November 14, 1875
In 1911, when Covington annexed Latonia, they determined that there were too many duplicate street names between Covington and Latonia, so Latonia renamed many streets.  Details here and here.
Covington annexes Latonia, 1908. More here.
Cincinnati's Monkey Todd and Edward Goodson come to Latonia to fight a duel. Read about the 1886 Latonia Fair, here.
Professional gambler George Devol recounts his adventures in Latonia and Cold Spring.
new1910 building boom. newA 1978 feature story on Latonia

In 1957, the Kentucky Times-Star ran a feature story on Latonia.  Read it here.

“J. H. Funk received the first prize for ten pin rolling at the pic-nic at  Latonia Springs on Monday last.  The prize consisting of a pair of sleeve  buttons, a pin cushion, and a baseball.” 
From Covington's The Ticket, July 8, 1875

“First place in the order of deserved recognition may be assigned to Miss Anna C. Minogue, of Latonia, Ky., whose novels, The Rainbow Chasers, Cardome, and Borrowed from the Night have given their author a high standing.”  Kentucky Irish American, May 11, 1901

newLatopnia Negroes
Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, June 6, 1919

kenton line

Latonia, Kentucky


Latonia, Kentucky


Latonia, Kentucky

The J. H. Kruse home

Aerial of Latonia from
Monte Christo, 1930

Decoursey Avenue, 1930


Infirmary Latonia, Kentucky Latonia, Kentucky Latonia, Kentucky
Kenton County Infirmary, Covington, Kentucky (a.k.a., The Poorhouse)

 Census of Northern Kentucky's Paupers in Almshouses, 1910, here.



The fancy entrance to the old poorhouse was salvaged, and sits today on E. 12th Street in Cincinnati as part of a bar called Neon's



The old school became city hall for the brief time Latonia was a city.
From a Facebook post by Cam Miller



The first fire station in Latonia at Southern and Tibbats.|
You can see the old schoolhouse that was added onto it to create it.


Latonia, Kentucky Latonia Firemen Fire Truck
Fire Company #8, Latonia
southwest corner of Southern & Tibbatts

Latonia Fire Department, 1925

On Southern, c. 1960.
From a Facebook post by Robert Ballard


Latonia, Kentucky Wolking Lake
  from the Facebook page of Park Hills, Ky
Latonia, Kentucky Latonia, Kentucky Latonia, Kentucky
Lake Wolking, at the end of the Rosedale-Covington Car Line It was south of 45th Street; east of the railroad, and drained in 1927. To see the location on a map, go here. It's in the far southeast corner.


Latonia, Kentucky  

At Rosedale Park
It's a c. 1930 Chevrolet.


Diamond Grove

Diamond Grove
Diamond Grove was in the Rosedale section of Latonia, and served
as the location for many group outings from at least 1916-1930.
From a Facebook post by Kevin Kaufman


Latonia, Kentucky

46th Street at Huntington, in the 1937 Flood
From a Facebook post by Paula J. Smiley

Latonia, Kentucky Latonia, Kentucky Latonia, Kentucky

Twin Oaks Clubhouse, showing
levels of 1964 Flood,  and a
"Std. Proj. Flood" (i.e. like 1937).
  Pic is c. 1967.

Gents at the Twin Oaks
  Golf & Plantation
 Club,   c. 1960

This is Twin Oaks Clubhouse
 in the 1964 Flood.

Twin Oaks

Sledding Twin Oaks, 1943
From a Facebook post by Carol Heupel

kenton line

"Latonia Springs, a beautiful suburb in Kentucky, six miles from Fountain Square, on the Lexington Pike.  It was once a noted watering-place, and favorite resort of Kentuckians.  There is a fine hotel, ample grounds, spring houses, and other convenient buildings.  The waters possess no medicinal values, and as a watering-place Latonia Springs is a thing of the past.  It is a beautiful drive, however, the route being picturesque throughout its length."
King's Pocket-Book of Cincinnati, 1880

Cincinnati Enquirer, June 13, 1850

The Latonia Springs resort was near where Kyle's Lane hits the LLL Highway today.
Ironically, that location is in Fort Wright these days.

A history of the Springs from 1906 is here.

newThis 1834 ad invites “parties of pleasure” to the Springs.

D. J. Kenny's 1879 Cincinnati Illustrated: A Pictorial Guide to Cincinnati and the Suburbs

kenton line 

Latonia, Kentucky Latonia, Kentucky Latonia, Kentucky

Latonia Agricultural
Association's Fair

The Pines is for sale
from Paris' Bourbon News,
August 27, 1920

 . . .and last, and least,
 Latonia Pigs, 1906

kenton line