links and miscellany

Pendleton County, Kentucky

Pendleton County was formed from Campbell and Bracken Counties; it
was created on December 13, 1798.  It was Kentucky's 28th county, and
named after Edmond Pendleton.  There's a bio of him at Wikipedia.


original Pendleton
The boundaries of Pendleton County when it was created in 1798.
Pendleton County was the 28th county formed in Kentucky.  The law enacting Pendleton County was passed on December 13, 1798 and the county was formed on May 10, 1799 from parts of Bracken and Campbell Counties. Its boundaries are unchanged since April 22, 1882. It has an area of 280.5 square miles, making it the 74th largest of Kentucky's 120 counties.

Discover the highest point in the county.


Chicago's Newberry Library has posted online a complete set of maps of American counties formations. They start with the date of county formation, and trace every little change to the boundaries after that. Pendleton County has had 3 such changes, and you can see the Pendleton maps here (pdf). To see the counties from which the county was formed, you'll have to download the entire Kentucky state pdf. There's also a feature that you can use to import all this data into Google maps. Good stuff!


For a textual history of various Pendleton county Communities, you'll want to go to this site, and read 
"The First 200 Years of Pendleton County" by Mildred Bowen Belew


The Pendleton County Public Library has a YouTube channel, with a bunch of local history videos.


     There's A LOT of good old Pendleton County pictures at their Rootsweb site, here.


In 1876, the R. L. Polk Company published The Kentucky State Gazetteer and Business Directory, which listed information about virtually every town in Kentucky.  The listings from Pendleton County are these:

Boston Station Butler Knoxville Morgan Peach Grove Catawba
Demossville Falmouth Levengood   Motier Gardnersville


The R. L. Polk Company updated their Kentucky State Gazetteer and Business Directory in 1883-84, and included these Pendleton communities:
Bachelor's Rest Boston Butler Catawba De Mossville
Dividing Ridge Falmouth Goforth Knoxville Morgan
  Motier Mt. Auburn Peach Grove  


Membership Lists from the Masonic Lodges in 1890:
Aspen Grove Butler Demossville Falmouth Knoxville


Membership Lists from the Masonic Lodges in 1911: (pdf's)
Butler Demossville Falmouth Peach Grove

For membership rolls of ALL Masonic Lodges in ALL cities in Kentucky,
from 1878 thru 1922, they're at the Hathi Trust Digital Library, by individual year.


Who's who in Pendleton County, in 1840.

An earlier Gazetteer published in Louisville, was George W. Hawes’ Kentucky State Gazetteer and Business Directory, for 1859 and 1860It's pre-Civil War, and only has detail on these two towns:
Aspen Grove     Falmouth

Falmouth was given a couple of pages in the Covington Directory of 1874.  You can read those here (pdf)


From the papers of E. E. Barton, comes this paper (pdf)  covering The History of Pendleton County Schools; The Medical Profession and Its Practitioners; and A History of the Judiciary and the Bar in Pendleton.  It's a BIG file, please be patient. The actual author  is unknown; the date appears to be c. 1900. 
A description of Pendleton County Barton wrote in 1917 is here (pdf)

     Barton published a newspaper, which in 1899 ran a list of all the Pendleton County Precincts and their officers, 1899, here.

T. M. Barton reports the Pendleton County news in 1877, here.
You should be aware that these excerpts from the work of E. E. Barton barely scratch the surface of the man's work.  There are dozens of reels of microfilm of his work, and you can find that microfilm at the library in Falmouth, and at the Kentucky Historical Society in Frankfort.  It's a genealogical mother lode, if that's your thing. And there's an index at Rootsweb.
T. M. Barton published a book of poetry in Falmouth in 1885. Read the whole thing here (pdf).

Morse's American Gazetteer, Boston, 1810

(That letter that looks like an f where it should be an s is a medial s (Wikipedia) )


(That letter that looks like an f where it should be an s is a medial s) This list of Pendleton County deaths from WWII is from the National Archives. There's
a key to what the various abbreviations mean here, and the actual list is here.

The list from World War I is here.


Every county in America was supposed to write its history for America's Centennial in 1876. 
Some did; some didn't.  Pendleton County did. It's here.


The Rev. Joel Shoemaker offers this piece on Pendleton history in 1932


Pendleton County Pendleton County
Inquiring minds will ask why the Pendleton County jail is holding two slaves, 16 months after the Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863. Frankfort's Tri-Weekly Commonwealth, April 20, 1864


Milwaukee Sentinel, June 1, 1869


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, August 2, 1854


Ashtabula (OH) Weekly Telegraph, May 19, 1860

Underground Railroad activity in Pendleton. Pendleton slaves attempt to escape, here.
newPeaceful citizen run out of state for expressing opinions. newThe Oberlin slave episode, 1847
newReward for Peter, a runaway1808. newThe lynching of William Jackson.
Ohio and Kentucky Governors both get involved over John Fee in this Falmouth slave case. A second account is here. John Fee was a Bracken County abolitionist who went on to found Berea College. His Wikipedia page is here.

In 1838, The Rev. John B. Mahan, of Sardinia, Ohio, an abolitionist, was kidnapped from Ohio and taken to Washington, Ky., for trial for helping Pendleton County slaves escape to freedom.  There's a short version at this site, or, you can read the subsequent book published about his trial at Google books, here.

The Boone County Library has a web site detailing known escapes by enslaved persons from Northern Kentucky. The Pendleton-Harrison only list is here.
Short version: White man attempts to stab Black man. Black man fights back. Black man lynched. Longer version. Paranoia about Negro voting spurs Pendletonians to action in 1888, story here.

“On Sunday, the 3d of July, a German named Green, who appears to be a religious fanatic on the subject, was caught in the act of running off a party of slaves from Kirby and Ellis, of Pendleton county, Ky. The party consisted of two women and two children, and had nearly reached the Ohio river. They were on horseback, and in a short time would have made good their escape but for the fact that the horse being missed caused search to be instituted, and not until they had been taken was it known that the slaves had made an attempt to escape. When the citizens of the county learned the extent of the offence of Green they were very indignant and threatened to lynch him, which undoubtedly they would have done but for the interference of some of the more prominent of their number, who induced them to abandon their design and allow the law to take its course. Green is about thirty years of age, has been in the State four or five years, and is a naturalized citizen.” Sacramento Daily Union, Volume 17, Number 2608, August 6, 1859

James Bradley, once an enslaved person in Pendleton County, wrote an account, in 1834, of how he worked to buy himself out of slavery.  Read it here. “Twenty-one slaves in the vicinity of Falmouth, Kentucky , escaped on Sunday, and made toward Canada, on the underground railroad.” The National Era, newspaper of the American Anti-Slavery Society. June 22, 1854
“Slaveholders Convention – Emancipation in Kentucky.  It has been proposed to us, by several gentlemen who own slaves in Kentucky, that they (the slaveholders) hold a convention on Frankfort to adopt some plan for the Abolition of Slavery, and that we so announce it; and that the Hon. W. H. Luke, of Pendleton County, a Slaveholder, be appointed by the friends of the convention, as one in his part of the state to draw up a proposition for its gradual abolition.” Newport (Ky.) News”  Reprinted in the New York Times of September 15, 1855.

27 Voters
Evening Star (Washington DC), January 10, 1885

Not one
The Indianapolis Sentinel, January 10, 1885

newThe 1879 pardoning of George Beard does not sit well with Pendletonians.


A sad but true story from Pendleton County. The Kentucky Legislature passed a no trespassing law specifically for Pendleton County in 1874.
“There is in this county, in Little Kincaid creek, three miles from Falmouth, a rock upon which there is a plain impression of a buffalo’s foot. This curiosity has been known to the local community by citizens of the county for more than eighty years.” Courier-Journal, June 5, 1875, quoting the Falmouth Independent. “About a week since, ‘Squire Robt. Watson, of Pendleton county, was called upon to go four miles in the country to marry a couple. He arrived and commenced the ceremony, but when about half through, a general fight was indulged in by five brothers of the bride. This occurrence, however, did not stop the proceedings, the couple were pronounce man and wife, and the ‘Squire departed.” Courier-Journal, August 7, 1874
If you go to Google Books and search for “Kentucky Public Documents Decoursey”(no quotes), you can find a government report with exhaustively detailed depositions given in regard to election fraud in Campbell and Pendleton Counties in 1865.  It's good, detailed stuff, especially for the time period.  On the other hand, if you download the pdf - and you can, free - note first that it's 781 pages long (it contains more than just Kentucky election fraud). “Candidates are plentiful in Pendleton County. The Falmouth Independent, of last week, announced no less than four candidates for County Judge; three for County Attorney; fifteen for jailer; seventeen for Assessor; three for County Clerk; one for Surveyor; and three for Sheriff; a total of forty-six persons who are desirous of serving their county in the capacity of county officers.  From this can be gathered the moral of hard times:  numbers of persons who would not otherwise descend into the cesspool of politics feel themselves driven to seek for various offices.”
The Boone County Recorder, January 31, 1878
A few words on the Church of St. Patrick at the Double Beech.
“Falmouth – The blue ribbons [a temperance group] are still on the rampage, and expect to close their labors here this week, gong to Butler, Demossville and Boston.  They claim to have between five hundred and six hundred disciples in this place.  You can see big and little, whites and blacks, at every corner, with the inevitable strip of blue pinned to their lapels.”  From the Daily commonwealth, December 12, 1877 “We have at our office, says the Falmouth Independent, some specimens of Pendleton county coal, given us by Mr. P. F. Keith, who says he thinks he has found it in sufficient quantities to insure success in mining.” Courier-Journal, September 12, 1871

The Falmouth Outlook is on line here

You can buy their Forks of the Licking Bicentennial Edition history and picture book of Pendleton
County by calling them at (859) 654-3332, or mailing a check to them at 210 Main St. in Falmouth. 
Only $25.45, and that includes postage. Recommended.


The 1878 Biographical Encyclopedia of Kentucky
 had these entries for folks with a Pendleton County connection (all are pdf's)
W. J. Perrin Jacob Theophilus Simon T. G. Hall G. C. Lightfoot G. R. Rule
W. W. Ireland Joseph Desha Pickett   J. H. Fryer James Wilson


“We have the authority of John McDonald, Esq., who lives in the Eastern portion of the county, five miles from Falmouth, for saying that a real, genuine wild-cat was captured on his place one day last week. It was perfectly black, and measured four feet and eight inches from tip of nose to tip of tail. Mr. M. informs me that his tenant, who captured the animal, measured the distance from a fence from which he saw it jump to a tree, and it was fifty steps. A big jump, wasn't it?” Courier-Journal, August 6, 1875,which is quoting the Falmouth Independent


The First Annual Report of the Banking Commissioner of Kentucky listed Statements as of June 04, 1913 for:
The Butler Deposit Bank The Citizens Bank of Falmouth The Pendleton Bank [Falmouth] The Farmers Bank of Morgan

The on-line encyclopedia Wikipedia has articles on 

Butler      Falmouth      Pendleton County  


Pendleton County Pendleton County
Resources, Attractions, and Opportunities in Pendleton County, c. 1930


L&N Rates L&N Rates
Rate cards along the L&N, then the Kentucky Central, including a bunch of Pendleton County stops.


A few news bits from 1876, here.

In 1908, the Falmouth Churches counted noses.  Results here.

The Kincaid Regional Theatre is here.

Leading Pendleton County Citizens, of 1847, here.

“Pendleton Klan No. 12 is one of the peppiest Klans in the state.  They have a definite program laid out to work to and are carrying it out to perfection.  The officers elected are on the job and functioning like clockwork.”   Fiery Cross, January 2, 1925. The Fiery Cross was the official newspaper of the Ku Klux Klan.

A list of the first automobiles registered in Pendleton County is here. First Pendleton County car owners are here.

One of the “roughest places in the state:” Pugh's Saloon.
Legislature creates public schools in Pendleton, 1873. The Cincinnati Commercial reported, on January 30, 1869, there were 14 doctors practicing in Pendleton County.
Murderer sentenced to hang in Falmouth, details here. Falmouth's Frank Browning played for the Detroit Tigers in 1910.  His record is at this site. An 1876 Falmouth newspaper was discovered. Details.

In 1908, the Falmouth Outlook published a selection of letters to Santa.  Some are here.

Mrs. Louis Woolery wrote on “Some Old Homes of Pendleton County,” from 1940, here. (pdf) 

Report of Pendleton County from the Handbook of Kentucky, by the Kentucky Department of Agriculture, 1908, here. (pdf)
The murder of Falmouth's town Marshall in 1890, here. Cholera kills 58 just in Grassy Creek in 1851. Story here. Railroad opens as far a Pendleton County from Covington. Celebration ensues. Here.
“War in Pendleton. – A party of citizens of Pendleton county, last week, turned out to the number of fifty to eject a man named Finney, who kept a bawdy house in the upper part of the county. After some demonstration of resistance Finney was taken and escorted with an armed force to the river- flogged and ducked, and then permitted to depart.” From the Louisville Daily Courier, May 10, 1853

In 1937 UK released surveys of known archaeological sites by county.  Pendleton County’s is here. (pdf) 

There's a collection of old and new pics of Pendleton County scenes at this site.
A Directory of Falmouth and Pendleton County from 1927 is here(pdf)  The Cynthiana Weekly had Falmouth items from 1853, 1869 and 1871, here.(pdf)  Pendleton County's Historical Markers are at this site.

In 1969, Edna Talbott Whitley compiled a list of Cabinetmakers in Kentucky.  The Pendleton County portion of that list is here.

There are two Pendleton Counties in the US.  The other one is Pendleton County, West Virginia. A Covington paper has a piece about Pendleton County in 1875.
“Silver Mines in Pendleton County – A correspondent of the Maysville Eagle, who is endorsed as reliable, reports great excitement in Pendleton county, caused by silver ore in large quantities, of pure quality, having been found there. We are inclined to think the story should have been deferred to the 1st of April.” Louisville Daily Courier, March 25, 1859
A little more detail on the silver mining in this item from 1859.
It's 1906, and the temperance movement is sweeping the county. Falmouth votes to go dry.
The six-mile-wide tornado of 1828, here.

“In Pendleton County’s primary of 1878, the local newspaper reported that scores of outsiders and opposition party members voted and that candidates using the most money and dispensing the most whiskey emerged victorious.”  Robert Ireland in The County in Kentucky History

newColonel Joseph Spencer runs for office, in 1812.
newPendleton delegation goes to Washington to lobby for a Licking River dam, 1977.

Falmouth posse pursues man to Ohio, here. Another posse is more successful after a different fugitive, here.

A writer who signs himself “B,” in anticipation of the opening of the railroad in 1853, tells about the advantages of Falmouth and Pendleton County.  Read it here. The Headlight: Sights  and Scenes Along the C. & O. Route ran a feature on Butler and Falmouth in May of 1898.
The obituary of the Rev. Aaron Broadus, here.

The Centennial Mill, here.

A sale of old one-room schools in 1937.

A status report from the Superintendent of Schools in Pendleton County from 1900 is here. 1907 is here.

The History of Pendleton County from Collins' History.(pdf)

Pendleton County excerpts from Lewis Collins' History of Kentucky, here.
The Falmouth Covered Bridge Burns, 1926.  Story here(pdf)  In 1917, L. T. Craig wrote about Falmouth 65 years earlier.  That dates his remarks to 1852 or so.

A site dedicated to the bridges of Pendleton County is here.

Some Pendleton County Cemetery records are at this site.

Murder in Butler, October 9, 1877. Read all about it, here.

A 87 year old man pays $3 alimony, and, a lamb with 8 legs: both in the 1909 society column, here. The number of one room schools in Pendleton County for the 1909-1910 school year?  45.   There's a complete list, here.  

Detailed Presidential voting statistics from Pendleton County are here.

Don't Miss Origins of Pendleton County Place Names, here. Pendleton murder trial moved to Clark County because of “prejudices, party spirit, and animosity existing” in Pendleton.
Lawyers of Pendleton County, 1872, here.
Pendleton County precincts and election offices, from 1899 are here. The Pendleton Gen Web site is here. The official Pendleton County site is here.

In 1930, Kentucky Progress Magazine ran a feature letting each of Kentucky's counties list their accomplishments for 1929.  What Pendleton County came up with is here. (pdf) 

The 1937 Pendleton earthquake.

A newspaper from 1876 is found and summarized in 1937.

A 7-foot-long Raccoon?


Taxation and bonding required distillers to report their transactions, which mostly consisted of storing or removing barrels of product. Transactions were recorded for a distillery warehouse located in or near Falmouth, Pendleton County, KY, by J F Fryer,(1898): Fryer & Hume (1898); Fryer & Talbot (1901); Fryer& Hume (1901); Fryer & Talbot (1903); John D. Fryer (1903); Fryer & Talbot (1904); and John F. Fryer (1904).

Daily Evening Bulletin, San Francisco, February 26, 1867


Members of the Free & Accepted Masons (F. & A.M. ) Lodges in Pendleton County, in 1885  are here:

Aspen Grove    Butler   Demossville    Falmouth   Knoxville


Phillip Sharp   Pendleton County, Kentucky
Pendleton County's Dr. Phillip Sharp, Northern Kentucky's only winner of the Nobel Prize; more here.   Falmouth's John Merritt is in the College Football Hall of Fame. More about him at his page at Wikipedia.


Luther Martin Kennett (March 15, 1807 – April 12, 1873), born in Falmouth, was a U.S. Representative from Missouri. He too has a Wikipedia page.   Samuel Thomas Hauser (January 10, 1833 – November 10, 1914) was appointed the 7th Governor of the Montana Territory. He was born in Falmouth, and has a Wikipedia page



County music star Kenny Price (Wikipedia) from his Falmouth yearbook picture.
From a Facebook post by Teresa Griffin Johnston


Pendleton County, Kentucky
  Pendleton County, Kentucky  

Charles Lee

William Frances Corbin
In 1955, Mrs. Warren Shonert wrote about the story
of W. F. Corbin and Jefferson McGraw, two Confederate
soldiers from Peach Grove who, as prisoners of war, were
executed by a firing squad.  Read it here (pdf)
  James H. Gregory
Company F, 2nd Kentucky Infantry, C.S.A.
killed in a battle near Atlanta, May 28, 1864


  Charles Lee
A contemporary version of the Corbin-McGraw execution is here.
newThe official plea of the Corbin-McGraw episode.


“Unionism in Kentucky.— Considerable excitement was occasioned at Falmouth, Pendleton county, Ky . lately, by the partially successful attempt of the nest of Secessionists, led on by the Clerk and Deputy-Clerk of the Circuit Court for that county, to raise a Secession flag upon a building in that place. A Cincinnati exchange says that the Union citizens gave the party to understand that if the flag was raised there the building would be destroyed. They then hoisted the flag on the house of a widow, but the offensive banner was speedily pulled down and torn to pieces. This is the second attempt which has been made to hoist a Secession flag in Falmouth, but from the prompt manner in which the thing was crushed, it will be safe to predict that it will be the last.” Daily Alta California, June 13, 1861
In 1864, seventeen Pendleton citizens, who had paid $300 to get out of the Civil War draft - an acceptable practice in those days - decided that since the draft quota was already filled, they should get their $300 back.  More particulars on these true patriots is at this site.
Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, September 31, 1864
Milward's Regiment in Falmouth. Lafferty
Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, January 7, 1862
A pair of Pendleton County Civil War episodes here, and here. A train of Union arms sit in Falmouth. Rebel guerrillas commit “all manner of outrages” in anticipation of coming rebel forces in 1862. More here.

“Cincinnati, Wednesday, Oct. 7.-Maj.Wileman, of the Eighteenth Kentucky regiment, who was wounded in the Battle of Chickamauga, and who lately returned home, was taken from his house, in Pendleton County, Ky., on Monday, by a gang of guerrillas, stripped of his clothing, tied to a tree, and shot.  Five of the marauders were caught and brought to this city today.”  New York Times, October 8, 1863

Wileman's murder evidently didn't sit well with the authorities, who offered this.

A Civil War report from Falmouth, here. Civil War prisoners from Pendleton County, here. A few Civil War recollections from James Ogden, here.
“The force dispatched Wednesday night down the Lexington road, reached Falmouth safely at 3 a. m. yesterday.  No rebels were there, and all the bridges between that point and Covington were saved.  Additional forces from Gen. Heintzelman’s Department were received by Gen. Hobson, and dispatched down the road.  The One-Hundred and Sixty-Eighth Ohio (hundred day men) went down to Falmouth at 1 o’clock yesterday afternoon.  The bridges of the Kentucky Central Railroad, with the exception of that at Townsend [5.5 miles n, of Paris, near what is now Shawhan], can be easily repaired, and even that can be put in running order in five days.  The abutments and piers for a new bridge were nearly completed, and the timber prepared for the superstructure.  The company have everything in readiness to complete a new and more permanent structure at Townsend than that destroyed.”  From the New York Times, June 12, 1864.


new A letter from 1862 on the status of the war at Falmouth   A second letter from 1862 on the status of the war at Falmouth   A third letter, from 1864, on the Civil War n Falmouth.

newA collection of smaller Falmouth Civil War items

Rebel Advance Rebel Advance
Daily Evansville (IN) Journal, September 9, 1862  
Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, September 4, 1863  
Cavalry Captivators
The Nashville Daily Union, June 11, 1864. Note that Morgan's troops does not
imply John Hunt Morgan himself was riding with them.
Vermont Watchman, July 12, 1861


Can you name the fifty-five (55!) town names in Pendleton County that have had US post offices? That list is here.
Robert Rennick wrote this document for the WPA in the late 1930's, explaining how the towns and post offices got their names. Good stuff.

Here's a curious collection of official documents from the 1860-1940's, from the post office, with town names, maps, and name changes. You really should start here, and they might make more sense to you. All are pdf's.
Aspen Aulick Bachelor's Rest Boston Station
Butler Caddo Carntown-Motier Catawba
Demossville Dividing Ridge Doudville Elizabethville
Emery Ernst-Budda Ezra Falmouth
Finnville Flower Creek Four Oaks Gardnersville
Goforth Greenwood Mills Hightower-Almont Ivor
Kinkaed Knoxville Lenoxburgh Levingood
Mains Marcus McKinneysburg Morgan
Motier Mount Auburn Ossipee Peach Grove
Penhurst-Concord Pindell Portland Schuler
Sovingood Station Tur Wampum  

And let us not forget the town of Brass Bell.


The Pendleton County High School yearbook has been The Echo, for a long time. 
Falmouth High School, on the other hand, changed yearbook names lots of times

Year Names
1954 Memoirs
1955 Falmouth Focus
1953, and 1956 The Red and White
1958 The Milestone
1961, and 1962 Pace Setter
1965 Vista
1966 The Orbit
1967, and 1968 The Retrospect


Pendleton Map 

On the Falmouth - Covington Road
North of Piner on 16?  Grassy Creek?


Pendleton Map

from Trow's Legal Directory of Lawyers in the United States, 1875


Why was there a shotgun wielding farmer taking his crop to market in 1908? For the same reason this article says “Each wagon carried its own artillery.” Because those were the years of the Great Kentucky Tobacco Wars. Get the details on the Tobacco Wars here. Another Pendleton incident is here. The story of a farmer who had his thrashing machine dynamited because he helped a non-equity man is here. The Falmouth Outlook reprinted this Grant County News item encouraging farmers to do “everything sacredly and determinedly as it is possible” to avoid rising a 1908 crop. A farmer at Peach Grove asked for guards.

Night Riders

Ernest Barrett recalls the Tobacco Wars Era


Clover Field
Clover Field, c, 1910. unknown location
“Falmouth, Pendleton County, is one of the old towns, dating from 1790, and claims something like two thousand people.  Pendleton is called 'the county which came back,' as some years ago, on account of the worn-out condition of the soil, about a third of the population moved away.  Then sweet clover was planted, the bees came and founded a great honey-making colony, dairying developed, and the county and county seat were reinstated on the map.” from Samuel Wilson's History of Kentucky.

More detail on how sweet clover saved Pendleton County is here.

It says here that Pendleton Co shipped 225 train-car loads of Alfalfa in 1927.

Loco Foco
Hudson River Chronicle, July 6, 1841

Wikipedia can explain what a loco-foco is.

1861 law covered which birds you can and can not kill in Pendleton County. In 1919, there was a farm census, counting livestock, crops and farms.  Pendleton County's is here.
On August 4, 1852, the Cincinnati Daily Gazette published the State  of Kentucky’s Hog Assessment – the number of hogs over 6 months  old per county.  The number in Pendleton County was 5,430. “Falmouth tobacco dealers have bought as follows this year:  Bullock, Mullins, & Co., 250,000 pounds; Browning & Co., 200,000; H. N. Newman, 150,000.  Mr. J. W. Chowning, of Morgan, has received about 150,000 pounds.”  from Covington’s Daily Commonwealth, March 27. 1879
Emma McClanahan noted in 1934 that Pendleton County, in 1910, had 3,108 colonies  of bees, and that by 1927 that number had grown to 20,000, with annual honey shipments amounting to 2,000,000 pounds. The Kentucky Department of Agriculture's assessment of agriculture in Pendleton County, in 1898-1899 can be found here. (pdf) 
“Wm. Cummins, of Pendleton county, has shipped this season 139 bushels of plums, all of his own raising.” Courier-Journal, September 9, 1876 2,962 Pendleton County turkey's shipped to Boston for Thanksgiving.

White Possum
Falmouth Outlook, January 15, 1937


Eloped new Lightfoot
Semi-Weekly South Kentuckian, April 20, 1886 Cleveland Daily Herald, August 28, 1858


Remember when William Jennings Bryan spoke in Falmouth? Details. Teddy Roosevelt also stopped in Falmouth. Details.
Kentucky Progress published this article (pdf) on Falmouth and Pendleton County. We recommend a history of Falmouth written by Dr. H. C. Clark, on the occasion of the new bridge opening in1927. Read it here. (pdf)
The proposed Falmouth dam would put a lot of Bracken and Pendleton underwater.
The results of a 1799 vendue (auction) in Pendleton County.  That's so far back the prices realized are in pounds and shillings.  Item listing and buyers here. We've got seven short 19th century Pendleton County articles from the New York Times.  Too short to justify a whole page; too long to put them here,  so you can read all seven by going here.
On March 23, 1826, a Kentucky representative, Mr. James Johnson, submitted a resolution that the military build an armory at Horse Shoe Bend, in Pendleton County, Kentucky.   Read it, and read about it, here. “The Falmouth Guide inaugurated its sixteenth birthday by enlarging from a six-column to a seven-column paper.  The Guide recently discarded the ready-print and is now one of the few all home print papers in this part of the state.”  from the Mt. Olivet Tribune-Democrat, April 5, 1894.
“The new toll-gate house on the Butler and Greenwood Pike is now completed and will soon be occupied by Mrs. Bell.  This improvement should be followed by the road being repaired that it will not be so muddy when it rains.”  Butler Enterprise, July 6, 1889 “Falmouth, Ky. - J. R. Poindexter, Cynthiana, was awarded the contract for constructing water works in the city for $13,793.20.” 
 from Municipal Engineering, January, 1896
Toll roads, privately owned and erratically maintained, were not popular. Stories like this one and this one are common in Kentucky in that era. Still a third one.


Two Pendleton County soldiers were awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for their valor in World War I.  Click their names to read more about them.
Sergeant James Courtney Private Henry C. Schwer


A look at Pendleton County in the year of the Bicentennial, 1976


Additional Links that apply to all of Northern Kentucky Views, and may or may not
be related to Pendleton County, are on the main Links & Miscellany page, here.
